CA. Rayan Sequeira , Last updated: 06 October 2007  

No one can deny that the prosperity of a country largely depends on prosperity of its corporate world and the prosperity of its corporate world is facilitated through a simple and hassle free Company Law and its Practices. Unless comprehensive e-governance embracing all aspects of Company Law administration is introduced, rule of law for the corporate sector will remain a distant dream.


Any environment of change strikes one with a very vital need for unlearning what one has learnt so far. Under e-governance we have to unlearn handling of papers, unlearn visiting offices, unlearn physical interaction with departments etc but we have to learn most important thing i.e., language of computer to work upon & deal with it. This is perhaps the first time a government in independent India has moved swiftly to put in place a mechanism that is imaginative, technologically savvy and stakeholder friendly.


Definition of E-GOVERNANCE: -


“The use of information and communication technologies in public administrations combined with organisational change and new skills in order to improve public services and democratic processes and strengthen support to public policies”.




Significance of E-GOVERNANCE: -


Keeping in tune with e-governance initiatives world wide Ministry of Corporate affairs, Government of India has initiative MCA 21 project. This project is designed to fully automate all the processes related to proactive enforcement & compliance of the legal requirements.


The e-governance system should enable quick disposal of the registration and incorporation processes with the use of self operating e-systems, minimizing physical interface and use of discretionary statutory powers by registering authorities. There is scope for reducing corruption through e-governance, making company law administration transparent, accountable and effective by building up a centralized database repository of corporates operating in India.





To accord sanctity to the e-governance, Chapter III of the Information Technology Act provides for electronic governance and at the same time Indian Penal Code, The Indian Evidence Act, bankers Book Evidence Act have been extensively amended to recognize electronic records. The Documents retained electronically have been given the same footing as paper document.




It is said that change is the only permanent thing in the world. Any change brings with it lot of practical problems & requires initial adjustments by user. E-governance no doubt, will go a long way in helping the overall efficiency of the system & will be appreciate better by one & all with more usage & refinement.



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