Otiose extension by CBDT: A puerile step

Harish Chander Bhatia , Last updated: 06 October 2015  

WILL CBDT and its sycophants introspect and explain to their own consciences that why this foolishness to extend due date for filing of ITR/TAR after ending of statutory due date. 

What purpose it has served for them. Those who put the CBDT and MoF in this ignominious state of back track should be shunted out of their present regime. Those mindless officers, who are intellectually bankrupt and brought a shame to Government of India should be made accountable and must be divested of their present position. Do not those illiterate officers knew that they are living in a secular country, where unity is only strength, and in order to appease PM and FM, they ordered for extension only for two states of PM and FM.

Are those officers did not realize that their mad action would tarnish the social and secular web of India and country will get divided on a trifle issue. The population of these shameless officers is on rampant increase now a days and their brain holes to be plugged before they put many holes in the country web. CBDT and its sycophants have totally failed in analyzing the pulse of the taxpayers and professionals, had they taken those in confidence, the situation would have been entirely different. Dear CBDT and MOF always remember and make it part of your daily routine that you cannot run the country by creating terror amongst professionals and taxpayers and applying torturous method of criminalizing fiscal regime. If the CBDT and MoF desires to meet its targets, then it has a way and no substitute, but to stand with professionals and taxpayers and win their confidence, otherwise no powers lies with you to recover taxes, get compliance and meet your targets, except revolt in the country. NO taxpayer has ever interested in litigation and everyone can part with his money to buy peace, provided peace of mind is guaranteed to him.

Mr. Fm Ms. CBDT, you were afraid of FII and inflow of funds into India, and as such politely bowed down before them and guaranteed them about MAT exemption retrospectively. A very bad habit of CBDT to do everything retrospectively, that means they had no wisdom in the past and has acquired some now. It reminded me of a famous statement of Ram Jethamalani, who criticized the Government on its policy of retrospective amendment and said, “That if Government keeps on amending the law retrospectively, then days are not far when the government will release a statement that "ALL PROSTITUTES ARE VIRGIN FROM RETROSPECTIVE EFFECT" shame on Indian policy. How long they keep on learning, it has been their childish way to deal with the things, first silence, denial, then adamant then sudden acceptance, and do not they feel themselves that they are lacking the administrative skills. Or thou mind frozen in air-conditioned rooms.

What the government has achieved due to its adamant attitude till close of day on 30th Sept 2015, In Fact Nothing, but they lost a lot of revenue, because all the obedient taxpayers and professionals, managed to throw the ITR/TAR at the last moments in a absolute haphazard manner, just for sake of the compliance and manipulated their taxes, if payable, because not only the CBDT and even a layman knows that CBDT has no WHEREWITHAL to track and scrutinize all those returns and CBDT has its data of how much percentage of ITRs are scrutinized., but generally those , who are responsible to think this are nearing their virtual retirement phase and appears to have switched off  their brain to make handsome preparation for their retirement . Who cares for country? May GOD save us from those IRSs and others babus whose integrity and caliber remain questionable in every field of administration, these IRs and babus spent their life in sycophancy and quenching/satisfying the greed of ravenous appetite, despite best of salary, perquisite, facility, amenities, air conditioned ambience. No one knows what is ailing them, when they will pay back the debt to the country, which the country owes from them since long.

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Harish Chander Bhatia
Category Income Tax   Report

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