Negative Results - Don't Let Yourself Down

N.Vimal Kumar Jain , Last updated: 05 February 2020  

The CA Exam Results are out for all the Three Levels. I congratulate those who were able to clear the exams (attempts do not matter) and my best wishes for those who were unable to crack the exam.

Negative Results - Don t Let Yourself Down

Friends I can understand the pain and emotions running through your heart and mind ever since the results are announced, even I was one among you guys who were not able to clear the exam. I will share my own experience in this article to help you overcome your fear, emotions, rage, tensions, stress, etc. towards your results and build back your confidence in writing the exams and clearing in next attempt

Before we get started, I would like to quote very thoughtful words by a famous Basketball player who changed the face of the basketball sport in the world-

"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career Obstacles don't have to stop you I Can Accept Failure, everyone fails at something, but I cannot accept not Trying" - Michael Jordon

His words inspire us by not accepting the defeat whatever the situation may be, you will achieve your success if you are determined to do it. We need to stop depressing about the results and start believing to succeed.

Please read the article fully and try understanding where the mistake would have happened at our end so that the same can be rectified and will not be repeated in the upcoming exam.

Let's get started

1. Lighten Your Heart

I still remember that day when the results were out, and I couldn't clear my exam. It was very much like earth-shattering for me to see the results which were not expected by me. The very similar experience you all would have felt it when your results were not positive. These negative results create a lot of stress and burden on our minds and heart. The heaviness in your heart makes you feel lonely and separate from the world.

My best advice is to lighten your heart by either crying out loud if you want to, the tears will take away your heaviness from the heart and make you feel much better after that or meditate till you control your emotions.

2. Accept Failure not Defeat

It is hard to believe that we failed in our exams but unless and until the same is accepted one cannot move ahead to achieve it in the next attempt. Not trying again is a failure. And you are not born to be defeated

Stand up and get back into the ring and show you're still worthy enough to win the game (Haar ke Jitne Waale ko Baziggar Khete Hai. You all are that Baziggar who will clear the exams. Just keep Faith in yourselves)

3. Respect Yourself

When we see the results, not in our favor we tend to criticize ourselves and start comparing with others and their life success (Wo toh School mai bhi topper tha isiliye ab bhi pass hogaya) 

We give more attention to those to criticize based on the results rather than sitting and plotting the plan to achieve success in the next attempt (Mai CA course ke layak hi nahi hu). We need to respect ourselves for trying it when compared to millions of people who are even scared to enroll for the CA course. The more you degrade yourself the more you will fall into the failure trap. Just give a break dost.

You can achieve anything because this world is with you. Start respecting yourself and keep repeating this mantra “I CAN DO IT”

I'm sure that success will be yours even before it knocks your door

4. Mistakes Chart

When you are finally settled with your results start preparing the chart of mistakes (List or To-dos or diagrams or anything which list down your mistakes) committed during the exams. If possible, get your certified copies from ICAI and check how the correction is done by comparing it with the suggested answers. Understand what is expected and how the same can be overcome in the next attempt. If you are not getting the copies still check the suggested answer where examiners comment will be given. Write down the expectations level of examiners and prepare for the exams accordingly.

The chart will help you during the exam preparation and provide you with the details analysis of avoiding the mistakes in the exam.

5. Call to Action

Once you are done with your analysis, prepare your CTA points and plan in such a way that it directs you towards the smart study and resolving the mistakes committed in the last attempt. Give your dedication and determination keeping aside how the results have fared for you and others (By thinking kaash mai pass hojata toh mujhe padhna nahi padtha). Thinking about the failures will only bring tears and sorrows instead think about a plan to overcome the failure. Don’t find an excuse for not studying, instead be motivated that you will clear the exam next attempt.

The End

"Victory will be yours, only when you Fight till the end, without giving up" - Motivation and Me

Results may have shaken your confidence, but it cannot shake your WILL and DETERMINATION to SUCCEED. One result cannot define who you are and those who judge you based on the result show them with your positive results in the next attempt that you are not less than others. Respect yourselves because you are carrying the faith of your parents, teachers, well-wishers, etc.

Give your best shot and leave the rest to the god. Blessings of Parents, Teachers, and God will always be there with you to crack the upcoming exam. You just need to believe yourself. Hard work will pay off. It is the struggle you're in today, will lead you to the better tomorrow. JUST DON’T GIVE UP

Dear Friends, the above points are based on my personal experience. I have tried my level best to help you and your comments on this article will motivate me to write more such articles, to help you achieve your success.

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N.Vimal Kumar Jain
Category Students   Report

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