National Convention In Chennai - Some Insights

RAKESH , Last updated: 15 December 2011  

Hello Friends. 

Today I would like to share few points with you related to the national convention which concluded 2day in Chennai. 

I would lay stress on the Exam related points :

1. After the Roll no's there is codification process which take place which is nothing but the random number and it is very difficult to crack and to get to the original roll no. 

2. We have always heard from ICAI that we should not put symbolic god symbols like ohm, Tamil letters and so on and so forth . This is instructed to students to avoid they being cracked from which city a student paper the invigilator has got. Like for example if a student uses a Tamil symbol of god and he writes at the top . Then the invigilator will be knowing that this paper is from Chennai . so for this reason symbols are avoided.

3. Regarding Question setting. 

Process is : 

Three sets of papers are set A, B and C by three different examiner like CBEC head etc etc 

After that the question paper which we receive in our hand in the exam hall is formulated in the following manner from the above three papers 

1. They choose randomly from all the 3 papers a question and there is equal probability of selecting a question from each of the above 3 sets then apart from the above selection random selection by the head of the examiner is also incorporated and then the question paper is formulated. This tedious process is done to avoid leakage of paper of CA exams. 

4. And after the evaluation of the question papers there is a policy to use a concept called mean, median, mode which the chairman of BOS said that there is manipulation of results done only for the betterment of the students and not otherwise. 

5. We always feel that the manipulation of results brings down the results and if at all the results get delayed our doubt gets transformed into confidence that yes the results has been manipulated but the real fact is that the Chairman of BOS said that there is delay because the head of examiners want to increase the pass percentage and not to decrease the same. 

6. Apart from this many other points were said i think that cant be written here it will run into pages. But i feel that BOS is doing great things for the students fraternity and always try to increase the pass percentage rather than decreasing it. 

There is also a provision that if a question is correctly written it will awarded full marks and nothing is to be deducted from the marks allotted for that question. That's why in the last attempt there has been increase in the number of students getting centum in accountancy in CA final exams. President said that the figure were around 100 to 150 students got centum in final exams.

Lastly i want to conclude that the Pass percentage this time will also be on an higher front and not in the decreasing front. There is reason behind this also which was explained. 

Warning : Above points are expressed what was spoken in the conference in Chennai.

Signing off 



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