Make the Best Out of Articleship

CA Hareesh , Last updated: 21 December 2012  

Like how it is that 3 years of college in anyone’s life it is the same 3 years of articleship with CA students’ life. It is such a wonderful opportunity for the students to undergo something phenomenal in their career. Now we are going to look through how a worthy concept this articleship is and how to make the best out of it.

The Significance:

Articleship acts as a launch pad for every student towards an illustrious career. I have read this fact in a vocabulary builder book written by Norman Lewis. It was mentioned that ever since we grew up as an adult the rate at which we learn new words is very meager. Whereas to the contrast, when we were in our childhood we drastically learnt thousands and thousands of new words. And you can say it is at that time a language has been actually programmed in our mind. In the same way it is only at this articleship period a budding professional learns substantive information either it be standards on auditing, company law matters or taxation etc. The rest whatever he learns after he qualifies are mere add-ons. Therefore the start needs to be well and productive.

Another best thing about articleship is that it is the time where typical CA students earn their first monies of life. Even after clearing the course and earning in five and six digits, the moment you received that first month stipend is somewhat so cherishing and really lasts forever.

Well, how to make the best out of it?

Get well-learned:

Either it is the Auditor’s place or the client’s place; anywhere the Law bare acts, ITR Manuals, ready reckoners and other reference materials will be available anytime for the work to get carried on in a smoother manner.  So it is a great chance to be well-versed with all the provisions and sections. Suggestion here is not to just refer it for the work’s cause also to browse it whenever you find time to get updated. Kind of proactive measure.

Utilization of Client’s resources:

Something which is very important to keep in mind is that it is really prudent to use the client’s resources in the most economical manner. This happens when you start treating their stores as your own. Things like unnecessarily taking print outs, scans, exorbitant food and travel bills should be avoided. Also having favours like outing, tripping shall be kept to the most sensible level possible. The concept of Auditor’s Independence starts indeed starts from here.

Civil behaviour at the office:

The power given by our ICAI to the articled assistants is something wonderful. Can we really imagine a situation where a guy/ girl with just 18-20 years old stand equal to a GM or VP in a company who has got vast experience and keep querying them? Or can we imagine the same guy/ girl asking a millionaire assessee about his turnover details? This happens only in articleship. Our institute has conferred such a power on article students. Therefore such power should be used in the most effective way. Whenever you head to post a query or seek for clarification to the higher authorities, manners should be followed and politeness should be observed.

Knack of handling people:

Again this is one of the aspects which stay as the bottom line; the art of dealing with people in the organization. As we know an organization is a place which is a blend of people with several cultures, languages and background, it is no easy job to get the going friction free. But it is inevitable to learn the same skill. By the time you are finishing the articleship, you must be in such a confidence level to say that even if you are sent to a client place with an audit team under your leadership you must be able enough to conduct a whole audit or any other assignment for that matter. ICAI really aims at instilling such a confidence among students.

So like you would have seen in many management skills books, the ‘Win-Win approach’, comes into the picture. You can have reference of those books and indeed learn the art.

Learn to face the pressure:

No matter if you are in a Taxation based firm or Corporate Audits, at some point in a year during the peak time you might end up working round the clock at the office. That can turn out to be so stressful. But it should be understood that it is a part and parcel of articleship. It’s a bitter pill to be swallowed and no one can help it. But it has its own good results. That big moment of relief you feel every time when Tax filings or an AGM is over is somewhat noteworthy and it gives enough grounds for you to realise that you have learnt something substantial and collective. Therefore instead of groaning about the load just take up the pressure and face it.

Thanks for letting me share this and hope it was a useful read.


Hareesh Iyer

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CA Hareesh
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