Innovative Techniques for Effective Studies

Member (Account Deleted) Guest , Last updated: 09 June 2011  

The shortest Success Formula is “Work works”.

And for the “Work” to work you need the correct Techniques of doing that work. On the basis of our Vision and Target, when we choose the Perfect Technique of doing the work, our Efforts gives Optimum Results.


We all have some techniques by which we Study. It could be Good, Better or Best. With My First Article, I would like to share few of the Techniques. These are the different Topics, randomly selected from our CA Curriculum.


1. Zero Base Budgeting

It is a method of preparing the Budget from the base Zero.

The Question is asked, “Why any Resource should be allocated to any Organization Activity at all ? Even activities which are prima facie vital and inevitable to the survival of Business, still it is not assumed to be “A Must” for the Resource allocation. Even those activities are questioned… Why it should not be abandoned ?

How to use this Technique ?

This Technique can be well used when you are having a lot of options for making an effective strategy. Eg: Whether to make Notes or to revise from the Books itself. Whether to go for that Extra Problems from the Practice Manual or Problems from Reference books would be enough ?

For making any decision first of all just clear your mind. Make it completely Blank. Zero level.

Then evaluate each option in isolation. Ask why you need to do that particular work at all ? why you need to allocate your Resource for that Task at all ? Here Resource means Time which is always a concern in our Studies. Other Resource would be your Mental & Physical Energy. When your Mind is at Zero Level, there won’t be any chaos & surely you can come up with Optimum decision.


2. Synergy

When Two or more Assets works together in a way so that their combined effect is greater than the sum of their individual. This excess effect is Synergy.

How to use this Technique ?

CA is a course where different Subjects are interrelated. You study Company Law, and you would gain knowledge about “What & How point are to be Audited under CARO”. You study Audit in EDP Environment and for that you fetch marks in ISCA for answering  “What essential Controls are required for Information Security”. This Inter relation between subjects can be well used for efficient studies. Usually we take one subject at a time. When you start studying any chapter or topic, just pen down which other topic has any connection with the topic you are going to study. After studying the topic you first selected, move on to the topic(s) which are related to that topic which you studied. As much of the content you have just have gone through, new topics would be much easier to understand. Extra advantage would be that you would be having a revision of topic you studied first.

Eg: if you are practicing “Amalgamation” problems, then meanwhile go through AS 14 [Accounting for Amalgamation]

If you are preparing a reply for appearing in a Scrutiny case, then on same day you go through the Income Tax sections relating to Assessment & Appeals. It would be not only easy to understand those sections but you would feel them much more interesting.


3. Time Series Analysis

Data is collected over a period of time with respect to sales, purchases, Profits etc ..to analyze it in future decision making process. It also shows the trend of current scenario.

How to use this Technique ?

Have you ever thought why we love to see Cricket or say any sport ? Have you ever thought why there is Scoring System at C.C.I ? This is B’coz Score speaks. Score Motivates. Score Warns. Score Challenges & above all We easily fall in Love with our Score.

If “Score” has such Interesting characteristics, why not to include it in our Studies ?

Keep record of the Time [In minutes] from the moment you start studying, till you finish your studies in a session [Applies to Self Study only]. Deduct Time for other activity, if any, which you did during the studies like a casual break etc. More honestly you record the Score, more it’s going to help you. Add the Sessions Score Total and keep it “Day Wise”. Over a period, analyze those Scores to know, How well your studies are going ? Where you need to improve.? Eg: Say on any particular day if Average Score is far too below than the overall Average Score. Find out the reason…


4. Concurrent Audit

It is Audit in a Real Time i,e as & when Transaction occurs. The purpose behind it is to check & thereby control anything wrong happening in the working of the organization. Any wrong doing, whether intentional or unintentional can be pointed out at a very early stage. Result ?

Loss can be Minimized & Controls can be further Strengthen.

How to use this Technique ?

There can be no effective Strategy without well defined Plan. So everyone knows the importance of planning & everyone makes very optimistic plans as well. The problem arises when Execution of that plans deviates from the desired performance. Two major reasons for this deviations could be either Circumstances changed drastically like ill health, some disturbance from any unexpected factor etc or it could be because you over estimated your strength and capabilities & under estimated the difficulty level of the work.

When it is realized, still most of us would stick to the same plan. Rather then to consider to revise it & increase our performance level. The best way to execute the plan and to keep the Deviation at the minimum is to constantly monitor the “Plan”. Go through that Plan before and after your each Study Session [Real Time]. That means if you are studying for 3 Sessions in a day, you would have gone through the plan for 7 times, including one time before you go to sleep. This frequent looking at the Plan would enable you to have the Excellent Control over the Plan, required for the Optimum performance.


5. Sunk Cost

It is a Cost which is Irrelevant for decision making, as it is already incurred and cannot be reversed irrespective of the decision we make.

How to use this Technique ?

Success in CA exams depend majorly on the Books we choose to prepare for the exams. This is more true in case of a student who is doing self study. If there are say 8 Subjects it means he or she has to make 8 very good decision regarding choosing the books. It may unfortunately, happen where he finds that 7 out of 8 decisions he made are just excellent. He may end up getting complacent & feels 7 excellent decision would make up for that 1 wrong decision. He thinks “Book purchase kar hi li hai to ab yehi pad leta hu”. He does not realize that once the book is purchased  it is a sunk cost if its not worth reading. ThatRs. 500 can cost you an attempt.

I know a CA Student who had paid for coaching fees, in advance. He was not at all satisfied with the coaching he used to get there. He also later realize that in compare to the quality he was getting at coaching centre, his self studies are far better. Still he continued to go there and get “Coaching” 3 hours per day, for almost a month and a half. The reason for this continuance, in his words was, “ab to fees de di hai to phir kya kar sakte hai”.


6. Business Process Re Engineering

Business Process Reengineering (BPR) is basically the Fundamental Rethinking of Business Process.

It asks Question “Why do you do, what you do ?”

It would eliminate a business process altogether, if it does not ADD any Value to the customer. It is not just about Improving or Enhancing any Activity but to RE INVENT the Activity as a whole.

How to use this Technique ?

Analysis your Activities in depth. Eradicate the ones which does not Add Value [TAKING YOU CLOSER] to your Target. Activities are Subjective…So is its Analysis. For one, any Activity can be of Value but same Activity can be distraction for other. Even for the same Activity, beyond a certain level it can give “Negative Contribution”. Develop a Microscopic Eyes to Analysis your day to day Activities.


7. Relatively Closed System

Systems which are open to external environment are “Open Systems”. Systems which do not interact with external environment are closed systems. Between these two types, there lies Systems which interact with external environment to a limited extent. Such are Relatively Closed Systems. Its one part is totally closed where as it allows its other part to get update, modified, adjust, grow through constant interaction with the outer world.

How to use this Technique ?

There are ample sources of books, notes, material etc available just a click of mouse away. Then there is lots of guidance, instructions, information flowing at a phenomenon speed. These are definitely very useful for our studies. But is it possible to grasp each & every piece of such Notes or Guidance ? Is it possible to include each & every Good Strategy Tip ? The answer is “NO”. Then what to do ?

Make your System which allows you to “Take” & thereby “Modify and Update” you to the extent it is harmonious with your already existing System. If you can not decide what Piece of Material you need to Intake, then you have already decided to damage your “Smoothly Running System”. So be ACTIVE. Here Active means if you don’t choose the “Resources” then Resources would choose you.


Your Valuable Comment would surely add value to it.

Sunil Ahir


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(CA Final Student)
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