Industrial Visit

Sweta Singh , Last updated: 20 March 2013  

According to Sir Francis Bacon,” Travel is the younger part of education, in the elder part of experience.”

On 2nd March, 2013, The ICAI Siliguri, organized an industrial visit for the students to the Siliguri Poly Products (P) Ltd. at Fulbari. The Institute arranged two buses & instructed all the participants to avail the bus facility. For the first time I was about to play the role of an industrial visitor in my life. After arriving at the stoppage i.e. at 1:45 P.M, I found myself to be the first to step into the bus. Certainly, the level of excitement & curiosity within me was the sole reason which vividly lifted me as the first visitor. Later, few minutes of wait I was enclosed by the other prospective industrial visitors respectively in their best attire. ICAI member, CA Rahul Goyal flagged off the industrial visit buses. All the students were given 2 packets of uncle chips in their respective buses and I don’t think that any student could be welcomed well than this. Within 45 Minutes we reached at the factory.

There, the Chairman of ICAI, Siliguri branch, CA Dinesh Goyal opined that, “these industrial visits will give the real time experience to the students”. The Chairman of EICASA CA Sanjay Goyal also accompanied the team and officially declared that around 71 students participated in the visit. Additionally, He introduced us to Sri Rajesh Agarwal. That was an excellent opportunity for the group to bond and to experience various aspects of the Poly product industry & to gain practical insight into the business, its manufacturing operations. I experienced firsthand the manufacturing facilities at the factory and had an enlightening discussion with the director Viz. Sri Rajesh Agarwal. Sri Rajesh Agarwal told us that the Siliguri Poly Products (P) Ltd is a Manufacturer, Supplier & trading company. The company deals in thermo coal bowl, plates & glass. This was a great way to learn about the manufacturing process in Poly industry & to get exposure to the industrial conditions. His explanations assisted us to get exposure towards the items to be used to make a product, the product processing, the machinery used to make the product, package process and the total man power utilization in the industrial processes. We had a wonderful interaction with Sri Rajesh Agarwal. An ample section of the factory was completely under the grip of noise. On the completion of visit our appetite was duly taken care and they delightfully savoured on various uncle chips and soft drinks. Our Siliguri Branch’s chairman presented a memento to Sri Rajesh Agarwal and enormously thanked him for his valuable presence and explanations.

Probably, after assessing everyone’s stamina & eagerness CA Dinesh Goyal launched another surprise for us. All of us visited one more industry i.e. Pipeline industry in the same vicinity. As compared to the prior one it was less noisy. There also we witnessed various giant man made equipments for around half an hour.  With the Pipeline industry we briefed our visit and sat in our respective buses. The driver drove their buses and stopped beside the ICAI Bhawan. The ICAI Bhawan brought a sudden make up on my face by providing chocolates, Maaza, snacks, sweets and once gain Uncle chips.

After little refreshment, I joined the auditorium which was recently inaugurated by the president CA Subodh Agarwal. There a small session for panel discussion was aimed. Shortly, it was filled with all the eminent experts. As a moderator, I really liked CA Bhawna Garg.  As usual, CA Aditya Maheshwari was at his best. He covered the direct tax matter & gave us very insightful information and explanations about various amendments in capital gains and its provisions. CA Harsh Agarwal covered economic matters. CA Naresh Agarwal covered indirect tax and briefly introduced us to various essential topics. CA Sanjay Goyal too explained important changes about the real estate business and TDS. At the end of the programme, all the participants were given certificate of participation.

I conclude it as a knowledge enhancing day. Equally, it was an informative and rapturous evening. Through the next quote I am expressing what I have learnt from this visit “Nothing is useless to the man of sense; he turns everything to account”. Last but not the least, Thank you ICAI!  You decorated our day with the back to back magnificent events.

By Sweta Singh


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Sweta Singh
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