How to Stay in Happy In Life Always - Simple Tips

Prasad R , Last updated: 08 July 2010  

How to Stay in Happy In Life Always – Simple Tips


Life has become so mechanical offlate that we hardly get any time off for ourselves, family and our friend’s. Most importantly many of us have forgot how to be smiling always in various circumstances. Life is all about ups and downs but does that mean that we should be in tension and stress always ? No that’s not the solution I’ll advise u to be smiling always no matter what the situation is it will definitely bring the stress level down and make u happy within.  Why is that one or two reasons makes us feel low/sad when we have thousand reasons to smile ? Yes certainly we have thousand reasons to be happy around us but at times we just keep cribbing about one or two reasons that’s makes us unhappy. Search for the reasons to smile I’m sure u’ll find many.


Find beauty in the little things of life like a hug from your close friend, a pat on your back from your father , unconditional love that your mother offers you, an appreciation from your boss, a new born child holding your finger, an innocent smile of a little kid etc etc. There are many reasons around us to make us happy always. Keep smiling. Here I’m giving u a few tips out of my own experience of life that can certainly offer and ensure you a happy life.


·        Never Expect because expectations may Hurt


·        Never Hate People ignore ones u don't like


·        Always Forgive when someone does anything wrong


·        Be Content - Set ur level of contentment else u'll never be happy in matters like money,comfort etc . Exception - Studies never be content always be ready to learn and acquire knowledge


·        Never be Revengeful better avoid someone who gets on your nerves


·        Have loads of patience it pays - A Must in a profession like CA


·        Spend time with little kids their innocence is the best source of laughter and humour


·        Love Life and enjoy living - Life is beautiful


·        Love your family  - They are our strength and will always be besides with us no matter what


·        Love your work - Always enjoy what ur doing u'll never feel like working


·        Enjoy your work like its ur passion - If you are passionate about working in office u'll never feel the pressure of work and it will be fun


·        Be Calm always - Never say anything or do anything that might hurt others


·        Be Helpful - Never expect anything back in return help unconditionally u'll be the happiest person


·        Be Optimistic - Life is full of ups and downs but remember after every fall there will be a rise again


·        Be Hopeful - Always look at the positive side of everything life will start looking beautiful


·        Keep Smiling Always - Smile is the only curve which can set everything straight


These are the few things which i think is required to stay Happy Always.

I’ll end up with one of my favourite quote “Smile is a curve which sets everything straight. So Always Keep Smiling”.

Best Wishes

Prasad R

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Prasad R
(CA Final)
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