How to present a good answer to CA exam

CA.ViVeK M ACA , Last updated: 26 March 2011  


Dear Friends,


There are only few more days’ remains for CA exam (May 11) .How can you write your answer in a better and effective  manner? This articles deals with some known tips for exam presentation

Create a good impression about you to the examiner.

 Presentation is a way a student communicate his idea with the examiner. There is a wise saying that “First Impression is a best Impression”.

 The value will judge you within 5 to 10 minutes by referring your answer sheet; if you start badly it will create negative impression in the mind of examiner and finally unexpected marks.


This means your hard work will be useless if you fail to present the answers up to the mark of examiner. It is your duty to communicate the answer in a better manner.

Easy question first write leave tough At last.


You are required to start with the question that you feel more confidence and leave space for unknown questions which will be taken care only during the last hours of the exam only. This can create a good impression with the examiner.


 “Bad presentation with Good preparation before exam also Cause failure”

Be taking extra care. Always think how you can write more effectively in the examination.



Presentation is an art and everybody must practice that art.

Presentation here means writing points in a particular order and in a manner which is easily get the immediate attention of the examiner at the time of valuation.


Better to avoid essay type writing

I had seen suggested answer and the answer is given in an essay format. Some students may be thinking that if writing more can score. It is not correct and fair.


Drawback of essay type presentation

If you have written an answer in an essay format, examiner is required to check all the relevant point throughout the answer book. This type of approach may be good for your Graduation and other course.

Better write your answer in a point to point manner. What is the question, give exact answer in the precise form? If you adopt the below strategy in your exam, then it will have a better effect in your exam


Some Rule for better presentation

1.    Try to write your answer in your words with the concepts that you had captured in your brain. This means copy and paste answers required to be avoided to the extent possible. For that you should have a firm Grip over concepts and logics.

2.    Break the essay format in to the point wise format. Avoid the explanatory points and make your points Precise.

3.    Try to give a clear and good heading for the major points. The points shall highlight the major content of the points.

4.    Give a Clear margin number for each of your points and Sub point’s numbers.

5.    Try to add your own points hitting the concepts along with points

6.    Give a good conclusion wherever it is necessary.


Example for you....


Bridge Finance

1. Normally In case of some project, financial institution will take some time to disburse the loan due to various procedural and other formalities to be fulfilled. However, the project required to be started immediately.

2. In such case, Company will make a short term fund arrangement with the commercial bank up to the periods of sanctioning the loan by financial institutions.

3. At the time of receiving the loan from financial institution, such loans were paid full or adjusted if the short term and project finance is availed from the same bank.


1.    Interest Rate will be higher

2.    It is secured against moveable asset, personal guarantee, or promissory notes.


All the best

Vivek M


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