How to get what you want?

CA Srikanth Yadav , Last updated: 10 June 2013  

To begin with, I can say that most people actually don't even realize what they truly need in their life inspite of having a lot of goals. And this article is an attempt to fix this problem.

Well while it may not be possible to get everything, it is surely possible to get most of them. You can do anything, but not everything and there are many countless things that you need to take care of in this context. So I've listed out the top 3 things (according to me) in this article.

1. Discipline: Discipline is doing what you don’t want to do when you don’t want to do. The first thing you've to understand for accomplishing most of the things, you want is that you need maintain discipline in your life. If you don’t have discipline, you’ll only mess up with the things. And most importantly, you should want to be disciplined for the purpose of believing in yourself, rather than pleasing others. Few things that’ll help you in this regard are listed below.

(i) Laziness is the biggest obstacle for the task of maintaining discipline in our life. So in order to maintain discipline, you need to first overcome your laziness. I've a small tip for dealing with laziness i.e., "drink cold water when you feel lazy; the water stimulates your brain, increasing the want to move around and get things done

(ii)  Ask for help when you need. Many people carry around an unwarranted fear that it's wrong to ask for the help. it's an unhealthy attitude toward life. Well we are social beings and part of our existence is about sharing and helping one another. So go and ask for help when you need it. 

(iii) Set big dreams. To keep your mind focused you need big, bold goals. The bigger your purpose the less trouble you will have to achieve what you have in mind.

(iv)  Divide the tasks into parts. At the outset any task would appear tough. But the secret is to divide the task into small manageable chunks and if you deal with those chunks, you’re done with the task even before you know it.

(v) And finally break the bad habits. After all you do not want to delay your success. So if you do have any bad habits, know that you are stronger than whatever it is.

2. Positive attitude: Well attitude may not be everything; but it affects everything. So here are few things that help you to maintain positive attitude.

(i) The presential requirement for maintaining a positive attitude is to accept yourself as you're no matter how bad you think you're. 

(ii) Pay more attention to your positives i.e., strengths rather than ruining your life by worrying on your weaknesses. 

(ii) Don't take yourself too seriously. One day we are all gonna die anyways. So relax.  But be sure to behave politely and with a common sense in all situations. 

(iii) Keep yourself neat and clean. Cleanliness makes a huge difference on how feel and it will make your environment more pleasant for you. 

(iv) Don't get jealous of other people. Just remember that you've something special about you too. 

(v) Keep yourself motivated, by reminding yourself of your reasons to go on. However, don't overdo it. It might then get the things slow down. 

(vi) And most importantly Love yourself. If you love yourself, you'll love your life. Live life to the fullest. Never ever take anything or any one for granted.

3. Patience: This is probably the most important if one want to achieve anything. Because most often things won't happen immediately. You can't get what you want instantly. But sadly, it's never easy to be patient. The below given list might help you to gain some patience.

(i) Find out the reasons for your inability to be patient. Generally, we tend to lose our patience when we're multitasking or when we're on a tight schedule, And then see what best you can do to sort out the same.

(ii) Give yourself a break. First, take a few minutes to do absolutely nothing. Just sit quietly and think. Don't watch television; don't even read.Just do nothing. That will help you to slow your world down, and that's important to develop the attitude necessary to develop patience

(iii) Be present and focused on the task at hand. You may think you have many things to do today, but you have only one thing to do, what is in front of you.

(iv) Force yourself to slow down. Make yourself speak and move more slowly. It will appear to others as if you're calm – and, by "acting" patient, you can often "feel" more patient.

(v) Remember that if we want healthy work relationships and a successful career, then we need to spend time making patience a habit.

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Published by

CA Srikanth Yadav
(Chartered Accountant)
Category Others   Report

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