Hire the right one!!

Shobhit Jain , Last updated: 14 December 2018  

When I look at the recruitment process followed by most of the companies, it sometimes seems to me like that the whole process is mechanical, but it should be something most creative and well planned as it will provide you with a most important resource for companies growth and development.

If the recruitment process of companies would have been so good, many great people would have been working for someone else.

For the effective recruitment procedure, the companies should come up with ideas which helps them to hire the right person at right time for the right job.

Today, most of the companies don't know how to hire the correct business person, instead, they are focusing on hiring someone who will just pull off the vehicle that is already running instead of giving it a tight push which will help it to grow.

Hire the right person for hiring

The above sentence seems to be some different from what we usually read out.

Everyone from a firm to companies whose turnover runs in billions, everyone wants to hire the right person for the right job, but very few focuses on hiring a very right person for doing this job.

The recruiter(a person responsible for hiring) should possess some basic qualities like:

1) Good observation skills.Open minded (ready to accept other person views)
2) Should not be overconfident
3) Great speaker and listener 
4) Patience to hear out what other person want to say.

Change the Interview (recruitment) process

To truly understand an individual, to truly analyze his skills/behavior/character, companies should make a focus on making following changes in their recruitment process:

1) Why create a tensed atmosphere for everyone who comes for an interview? (except whenever necessary to test his/her pressure handling tactics in certain circumstances).Such situations often hinder the interviewee to showcase his qualities/skills due to pressure.

2) Why interviews usually get over in 10-15 minutes? Why can't we convert it into a good social conversation? This helps you to become aware of some extraordinary skills that an individual might possess. At the same time, the interviewee may reveal some important fact about him/his life, some great idea while discussing your business.

3) If interviewee lacks in particular skills, why companies don't give him/her a relevant timeline to develop and master in that skills because after that, it may make that person a great resource for company and who knows, even for the society at a large.

4) 'We will let you know'?(means we will never let you know)

The most common answer (or I should call it their tagline) given by companies when they don't want to hire you. The interviewer should communicate to interviewee the skills in which he was lacking behind so that he can work out on that. Such things develop a sense of respect towards company/interviewer in the eye of interviewee and interviewee will have strong prospect when he will apply for jobs in the future.

5) How many companies look out for an employer with good character?

Hardly any!! Even many of you don't even know what a good character means in corporates. 

Sad! because it is not taught to us in schools nor in college.

It is the gap what people told in the interview and what they actually do once they join.

We often see the person with great communication skills (pretending that they have the requisite skills as required by recruiter)will find it easy to clear the selection criteria set up by the company, but when it comes to execution process, the story seems to be totally different.

6) In India, what's works over your talent and knowledge is your referral when you apply in big corporates. There is nothing wrong in referral until the person who is getting selected is well ahead in requisite skills than others who are applying directly for a job.

The author can also be reached @ jainshobhit1996@gmail.com

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Shobhit Jain
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