Entrepreneurs- One of their Kind !!

Pratyush , Last updated: 26 May 2014  

Entrepreneurs are leaders who can see into the future with inspired vision, championing highly competent teams to make seemingly impossible possible.It takes a great courage to separate oneself from the herd at any level, be it at the time of attaining education or doing things you love. There is no point in being REALISTIC- why one should be realistic?

Being realistic is the most common travelled road to mediocrity. Why should I do things which has already being done? If you are on this planet called Earth- there is a need to make a difference. Such an urge to be different in business gives birth to ENTREPRENEURS. So called mad/different people who believed that things can be done differently as never done before.

Entrepreneurs are no different people from us. They are not born to be entrepreneur. Over the time they refuse to accept the most common road travelled by billions. They create ideas and believe in themselves and their abilities to make a difference.

To start his own venture, an entrepreneur has to pass many challenging hurdles at every stage. From arranging seed capital to give a kick start( unless you are millionaire/bilionaire’s boy), recruiting efficient personnel, best place for operation of business and targeted audience for your goods/services.

India is blessed with great consumer base- thanks to 1.3 billion people and thereby finding targeted audience may not be a hectic proposition. You just have to be different from others in the industry you want to operate in.

Over the years the entrepreneurship model has achieved a new high with each passing day. Unlike before where Entrepreneurs were only profit minded, now many have turned to be social too.

There belief of giving back to society has given birth to Social Entrepreneurship. For example- Nirmala Kandalgaonkar’s Vivam Agrotech ensures solid waste management to create a greener environment.

Another category of entrepreneurs which are gaining popularity and connecting to masses by their skills and passion to make difference is Woman Entrepreneurs. Male dominating society saying has been proved redundant over the time by these brave household/ corporate ladies.

The states have also started schemes to help these passionate business. They are providing skills of business management, seed capital, training, providing manpower at reasonable price., etc. A great example has been setup by the state of J&K in this field. Kashmir is working towards making women of the state less confined to domestic chores and creating opportunities for them to be self-reliant. The Jammu & Kashmir (J&K) State Women’s Development Corporation (WDC) launched the Empowering Skilled Young Women Scheme in 2010 to encourage women to establish their own ventures in the Valley. (Source of this para- entrepreneurindia.in)

To help you plant the seed of your entrepreneurship in your mind and blood, many entrepreneurs and researchers across the world have penned down their thoughts in books/e-books. These books describe what turned gold for the entrepreneurs and what resulted to close down their startup to start afresh. The same can be downloaded or purchased as per your convenience. These books are great source of knowledge and describes what is takes to be an entrepreneur. What strategies/methods, policies an entrepreneur should opt for according to his business model and the economy you are in.

Some of the books are:

1. Emotional Equations- by Chip Conley.

2. 168 hours – by Laura Vanderkam.

3. Far From the Tree – by Andrew Soloman.

4. What I Know Now – Letters to my Younger Self , by Ellyn Spragins.

5. From the Jungle to the Boardroom by Mike Monahan.

Besides these publications, be in touch with entrepreneurindia.in This website provides all details of successful business running in India and methods of operating business, problems faced by them and how they overcame all. It can be a great source for you to learn and see how many business ideas existed in past and how they factored in it.

Dare to think different and live life on your own terms rather than doing something for others dream.

All the best to readers.

Thanking you all for all of precious time you devoted on this article.

(Pratyush Harlalka, CA FINAL Student. E-mail: capratyush2517@gmail.com )

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