Discover Yourself

CMA Ramesh Krishnan , Last updated: 01 August 2011  

Introduction: Our life is going the way which we are approaching that, because life is based on the selection of our career, but the selection of career is not easy task. While selecting the career, we need to considered lot of things. Before selecting the career, we need to analysis our self. In simple word you need to discover yourself. In this article I want to discuss some points which need to be considered before selecting your career.

1. Discover your  area of Interest:

As a human being every one having their own area of interest, before selecting the career we need to discover our area of interest first, because all career if you are pursue without interest then you cannot give full concentration, without giving complete concentration we could not able to success our career. So first discover your area of interest.

2. Discover your skills & Talents:

Everyone having their own talents & skills. Our skills and talents are very essential key for our career. Selection of career always should improve our skills and talents and getting new skills and talents. So discovering our own skills and talents also very essential for selecting the career.

3. Discover your goals:

Without goals life is not complete. We need to decide our goals and aim of the life, such as ambition of the life only the basement of our career. Based on our interest and skills we need decide our ambition and goals. So we need to discover our goals and target the same.

4. Discover your strategy :

For getting success in any career, we need to have strategy. Strategy is the basic for any type of tasks. Our strategy only decide our actions and correct action will lead to success your career. So discover your strategy while selecting the career itself.

5. Discover your way:

After identified your interest, skills, goals and strategy you decide your way of success to your career. When your are selecting your way which formed based on your own interest and strategy will lead you to success very safe and fast.



As I mentioned in introduction, our life is going the way which we are approach, also in our life we have ambition to achieve. For getting success in our ambition we need to discover our self. So discover yourself for enable make your dreams real.


Thanks & Good Luck.

CMA.Ramesh Krishnan

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Published by

CMA Ramesh Krishnan
(Cost & Management Accountant)
Category Career   Report

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