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Come Up With IN Taxation Basics 2024!

Niyati , Last updated: 10 April 2024  

This material is going to discuss the IN tax system in non-expert terms. Indian residents have already entered the tax season, as the reporting period lasts from April 1 to March 31. Taxpayers should not waste time while the declaration must be completed and submitted by July 31. Here are the basics:

  • All individuals pay up to 30% of personal income.
  • For legal entities, an interest rate of 30-42% is provided for local and foreign enterprises.
  • The rate of capital gains depends on the type - short-term or long-term. The degree of taxation is from 10 to 20%.
  • The VAT level varies depending on the state and is 16-20% and is charged only on goods.
  • State fee - ₹500 and one document, stamp duty of 0.5-7% is charged.
Come Up With IN Taxation Basics 2024

IN central and state governments manage the process and monitor violations. One of the authorities that controls tax collection in India is CBDT - a part of the Ministry of Revenue. In addition, several laws assist in discharging its responsibilities and governing various aspects of direct taxes.

Important: India's tax system provides a framework for the government to discharge its responsibilities. Taxes guarantee a significant source of refilling budgets.

We all know the basics that ensure the tax system's effectiveness - universality, mandatory payment, equality, and fairness. Thus, it's time to get to the details!

Which personal income is subject to tax in India?

India features a uniform tax law enacted under the Income Tax Act of 1961. Direct taxes in India include personal income tax, state agricultural income tax, property tax, corporate income tax, and several taxes on additional sources of income. Personal income tax is actual on all income - depending on the tax base, the tax rate varies from 10 to 31.5%. Following economic and social changes, the Indian government is constantly improving its tax collection system. This way, in 2023, the lower house of the Indian Parliament (Lok Sabha) approved a 28% tax on online games, casinos (Gamblorium iGaming expert team will provide you with the best opportunities), and horse racing betting. Even though the innovation caused many contradictions, the new rules came into force on October 1, 2023.

Categories of Personal Income in India

  • Real estate income,
  • Employment income, which includes all payments received from the employer by the employee,
  • Business activities income,
  • Bank investment income;
  • Other types of income.

Depending on the payer category, income is taxed separately, applying for benefits (if any). Income tax benefits are provided to Indian professionals and creative professionals if their income is earned abroad in foreign currency (income tax is paid on 25% of remuneration). Progressive rates apply only to income taxes.

Legal Support for IN Taxation System

The highest authority of the taxation department is the Central Board of Direct Taxes. It is part of the Ministry of Finance of the Government of India. The Council administers compliance with direct tax laws - the estate income tax and the gift tax. India has a uniform tax law enacted under the Taxation Act of 1961. According to the Indian Constitution, states cannot impose taxes on income other than one from agricultural product sales.


Taxation in India depends on resident status, regardless of the nationality or domicile of the taxpayer. Residents are required to pay taxes in India on all income received from other countries. A resident with a non-ordinary resident status pays taxes in India on the income received from his activities in India and abroad. Non-residents are taxed only within India and are exempt from Indian taxation outside India.

Are There Tax Benefits in India?

Yes, they are! To encourage and boost industrial production and development, the Government of India provides various tax incentives and subsidies to manufacturers, due to which taxes are reduced sharply.

The benefits apply to industrial premises, furniture, equipment, vessels, and ships. Depreciation on equipment is classified into three categories and is 25%, 40%, and 100% of cost. Depreciation within one year after the equipment purchase cannot exceed 50% of the original cost used for less than 180 days per year. Partial ownership of assets provides the right to depreciation benefits. It also includes expenses for acquiring patents, rights, and copyrights. The above capital expenditures are not taxed and must be spread evenly over 14 years.

Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT): The Essence

AMT is an available tax instead of income tax at progressive rates on income of ₹2,000,000 per year. This tax is calculated at 18.5% of adjusted gross income (including health and education allowances and allowances). While the income is received in foreign currency, the rate is 9%. If the income tax for the previous year is less than the AMT, the person will pay the AMT.

The report comes in Form 29C from a Chartered Accountant (ICAI). This certifies that the adjusted total income and AMT have been calculated under the provisions of the Income Tax Act by 31 July of the year following the reporting year. Taxpayers can report electronically along with income tax returns.

India's Tax System: Shortcomings & Related Difficulties

India may hold the distinction of being the world’s most populated country but only a small fraction of its population pays taxes. Total taxpayers have grown by 8% CAGR over ten years to 71,000,000 as compliance improves. It is still merely 6.3% of India’s adult population. Surely, the IN economy demonstrates a high development pace, and the government actively uses the tax system to generate treasury revenue. Thus, the tax system's weak points go outside outlining the need for reformation! Here are just some of the main problems!

Redundancy of Tax Types

Confusion & Requirements Instability

Experts note that they face difficulties dealing with IN tax issues, as the government has established many types of dues. Multiple requirements and the costs associated with their appointment force individuals and legal entities to evade paying duties.

Taxpayers must file various charge returns throughout the tax season. Therefore, they must process a lot of data, monitor changes, and attract specialists for a fee. This results in IN residents having to put up with administrative costs, correct errors, and pay fines.

 Tax Requirements & Rates Ambiguity

Tax Evasion & Underground economy

Unfortunately, the Indian charging system is ambiguous, and sometimes highly qualified specialists cannot draw a single solution to a particular issue. Thus, lengthy legal proceedings and disputes often arise, and there is a decrease in the effectiveness of taxpayers planning their finances and complying with tax laws.

India's tax system suffers from tax evasion and the underground economy. High tax rates, complex regulations, and weak enforcement mechanisms encourage duty evasion. Many individuals and businesses underestimate income, inflate expenses, etc., to avoid paying charges.

The middle class bears the brunt of taxes, while large corporations enjoy inequitable charge breaks. Don't you think that the distribution of duty burden in India seems far from fair? Still, Indian Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman praised the work of the CBDT and noted that cases of tax evasion have become less frequent. According to the Minister of Finance, thanks to technology, there have been positive changes in income tax calculation. Taxpayers opting for the new tax regime will not have to pay income tax unless their annual income exceeds a certain threshold.


Just To Summarize It!

India's tax system contributes to financing the government and should provide the basis for the country's development. India is a highly potential country for creating a charging regime to promote economic growth. However, states should simplify tax legislation and strengthen enforcement mechanisms. Nevertheless, until the situation changes, remember to pay your taxes on time to avoid penalties.

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