How can improve your exam productivity

CA.ViVeK M ACA , Last updated: 30 October 2010  

There are two skills which must be possessed by every student who are going to write the CA exam.


1.       Time Management skills


2.       Presentation skills 



Time Management skills



Allocate the time available to total mark and it is called time management strategy 


Cost management or cost or FM, Direct tax, etc papers seems to be lengthy in nature. If you are not prepared well then will take more time to think. Even if you had prepared well also take time.


Sorting of exam questions


This is one of the important skills which must be possessed by every student. Classify the question which you know well, Know better, unknown questions. The question may be combined by one knowing well question and unknowing question, knowing well and knowing better, Combinations both unknowing, etc.


Leave all unknown question which being attended after attending first two categories of questions.


Better never leave any questions unattended even if you are un aware about it.


Presentation skills


Presentation is the way in which you communicate whatever you had already learned to the examiner. A communication is effective if and only if both the student and the examiner interpret in the same manner.


Here is the slippery point. You may be worked hard, know all the pros and cons; you may some time thought that you learned well. But seeing the result, your heart may be broken. This is due to improper presentation.


General presentation


Better to write Point wise with a clear margin number for each point also heading and sub heading. See just an example of a best presented answer in the attachment.


Case law and practical questions


For case law questions and practical question hit with the relevant provisions and draw a good conclusion in your words.

Part 2 General preparation




We all knew that the CA exam is itself is competitive.  The exam is a game of 3 hours. The way in which we approaching the exam will lead you the success or failure. You may be studied harder but not able to produce any result. So managing the CA exam is a skill.


       The day before exam.


  The day before exam is very critical, do visit to any temple near to you. Be cool and relaxed and sleep well. Proper sleeping will make you to revise unconsciously what you have revised. Arrange your tool kit for the exam.


    Find time to revise quickly

 You must find time to revise the portion quickly. So, if you have the habit of making notes it will reduce your tension to revise the lesson. If there is no notes with you then you have to turn the entire book, it increase your hypertension and poor performance


 For problem papers, please go to scanner you can get which problem is very important and which problems are less important. You should focus the important problems.


     The Day of examination.

Please re look in to your tool kit and confirm .Please enter half an hour before exam and sit your seat. Please find the time yourself to settledown.Please write your roll numbers and ready for the exam .When you receiving the question papers just find the time to read    the whole question papers.

    Confidence in exam is a key

  But the confidence is the key, If you tense, then you will forget whatever you have studied. “Keep in mind that we will attack” the exam than surrender. Take the exam as a battle between you and the ICAI. So do or die.

Approaches for tight papers of CA

  When you receiving the toughest paper, Start writing the question you know well. If you not able to complete the question, stop that point and skip to other knowing question and so on and so froth. But never loose the confidence with you. Keep on writing .After half an hour you will defiantly on track.

   Presentation is a great tool

While writing the exam care to be taken not to cut and paste from the module. It is not the right way to write the exam. You should convey the lesson in your way to the examiner. This is called presentation. You should give a maximum time to each question. That is called the Time management….

    Don’t discuss after the exam

After completing the exam even if it is toughest don’t discuss with any body. Prepare for the next day exam. Each exam shall be unique chance.



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