Demand of time

Deepak kumar sharma , Last updated: 23 March 2012  

Self dependency is a fruit of true success whether it is at personal level or country level. Mere being a professional is not a sign of true success. It is mere a launch pad of a journey. Money is not the measure of true success but the hard work is. Indian Government lacks funds for development projects but the wealth of its ministers is going higher and higher. Wealth of one of  Ex. CM raises @ Rs.1 crore per month (its official) and also the marriage of  the son of a party president was in the news. Is this the success of Indian leaders. Simplicity has miraculous power. Especially we expect that our leaders must lead us in right direction by setting examples. Tax and other laws are not only complex but they are being amended also every year. Look at an example – There is a slight increase in the limit of the tax free salary, but there will be more expenses in the form of service tax and excise duty. Even the petrol and diesel prices are going to be increase soon. It will cost more in every aspect. This will ultimately affect the non tax payers.

We know that increase in Repo and Reverse repo rate by RBI increases the cost of funds. Banker of the banks in India “RBI”  has raised repo and reverse repo rate many times on the basis of controlling inflation. But all we get in result is slowdown in growth. It finally increases the cost of investments in industrial and other projects. Why they are doing this? It is known to everyone that India has negative budget balance i.e. income is less than expenditures. If they keep bank rates low, it will result in more investment, thus more production and finally the more tax collections. Mere increasing bank rate will not help to reduce the inflation but it will do the reverse. High cost of investment will lower the production and consequently the supply will be lower than demands and thus prices will be rise i.e. inflation. It is just a simple rule of economics. I admit that inflation is a result of many more other factors. So only increasing the rate will not work. It will slowdown the growth rate only. Increasing the cost is not a solution. Today, when the petrol price is more than INR 70 per liter, consumption is more than that when the price was below INR 50 per liter. So increasing the price is not a solution. We have to focus on increasing the production, developing the infrastructure to make sure better utilization of resources. This is the only solution to beat inflation and achieve sustainable development. One needn’t to be an expert to understand that Indian Government has failed to do so what it supposed to do. Look at any one of the sectors being run by Govt. and see the difference. For example-: Education structure in Govt. Schools, Food rationing etc.

No increase in rail fare at the cost of compromise on Safety and facilities is not a good move. We need improved infrastructure with increased capacity. Increase in train fare was demand of time. Anybody is willing to pay little higher if his life is safe and having more facilities. This increase in fare is to provide better services to us, so it should be welcomed. Nobody is bother about little increase except Mamta didi. It may be just a matter to prove her political supremacy. We don’t need just cheap; we want betterment even on some extra cost. There is much awaited need to simplified the laws and regulations which stops us to take steps towards growth

Why is the value of INR is much less than the dollar? Why India don’t pay it’s national loans rather than loans for paying loans? What kind of politics is being played in India?

Why Indian government runs education and businesses instead of leading the country towards sustainable development? Why unemployment? Why corruption and lazy Bureaucracy with high pay? This is the demand of time to solve these questions and similar other.

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Published by

Deepak kumar sharma
(Govt. job)
Category Others   Report

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