We and our country

Deepak kumar sharma , Last updated: 15 February 2012  

We believe in luck mostly when we fail. We believe in ourselves mostly when we get succeed. What is God’s will when God is within. Planning in life is necessary because we get it only once and there is no reverse button provided.

We all know that life is vital important.Then, how should we live life?One should aim to achieve high in one’s life. You may not get desired object, but you will surely get the benefit which is joy of hardwork. Also remember, God helps those , who help themselves. God has given all ability to achieve what we want. The best way to reach your destination is to enjoy your journey. Belief is must to enjoy life. You can believe in God, yourself or your ideal, but you should trust someone. While taking a decision, see the both aspects (sides) of the matter like a judge. Look at the object from all angles and find the truth. Be focused on your goal, which could be anything. If you achieve that, you will make your life purposeful. If you couldn’t make that, you will never regret because even you choose a purpose.

Don’t let luck decide your destination. Instead decide your destination and make your destiny by your true efforts. Truthfulness is only one condition which everyone should follow unless he will regret at last.

Why India is under developed country?

Reasons may vary from person to person but mostly people will agree that insufficient basic infrastructure, poor education system and mentality of most Indians is pessimistic. Development is only possible by hard work and true efforts rather than depending on luck and self centric people.

Some decades before India and China were at same position. But now China is much developed than India. Don’t excuse that China has more resources than India because Japan is a best answer for this objection. Think about reasons you will understand what I mean from true efforts and vision of development. Our leaders are not leading us towards development in true sense. Compare past leaders like Lal Bahadur Shastri and Sardar Patel with current leaders. You will find the answer.

Power of our Nation - 2nd largest population, largest railway, post and milk production

Problems of our Nation - Proportionate small land, corrupt ruling system, Low growth in rural areas, Negative trading balance, high rate of birth, poverty and unemployment

Recently, a senior citizen of India did fast for 12 days in the age of 74 years during anti corruption movement. What is the capacity of Indian youth? Major yourself.

In Swami Vivekananda’s words:“To come out of their narrow holes and have a look abroad - “only I want that no. of our young pay a visit to Japan and China". And you, what are you? Talking all your life, vain talkers. You lose your caste if you come out. Sitting down these hundreds of years with an over increasing load of crystallized superstition on your heads. Discussing touchableness or untouchableness with books in your hands repeating undigested stray bits of European brain work and the whole soul bent upon getting a clerkship, profession like lawyer at highest. The height of young India’s ambition – and every student with a whole brood of hungry children cackling at his heels and asking for bread! Is there not water enough in the sea to drown you, books, gowns, university diplomas and all.”


Only we are capable to change the situation. One person cannot change the whole situation but he can start. Beginning is most difficult in doing a task. Team can be made. This is the age of science. We have powerful tools like mobile and internet in hands. If you don’t give up, you can’t fail.

From the bottom of the heart of a Honest Indian.

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Published by

Deepak kumar sharma
(Govt. job)
Category Others   Report

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