Ques: What just happened?
Ans: All of mankind is experiencing a once in an existence event. A few months ago, who could have imagined all of 7.8 billion people locked in their homes, but isn't this the reality of today. Just to make you see the magnanimity of the event this has never happened in the history of the Planet – ever!
Ques: What about the exams?
Ans: Oh Ok right the bigger issue here are the exams?I thought surviving the onslaught of an invisible enemy was the concern?😉
So while the issues of being locked in at home and boredom or study fatigue seem major ones , I believe a stronger mind will reflect and thank someone up there for being in a safe environment , at home , with food and entertainment close by. We must look at how this has taught us to be united, reflect on things we might never have done earlier and come out stronger in mind and better as collective humanity (yes I am a dreamer and believer).

Ques: Ok fine but still will the exams be there in July?
Ans: I hope so , as that would mean we have either defeated the virus, found a cure and will be free to live our lives 'normally' or more likely we have adjusted to living with the virus and found ways to stay safe with it around and have defeated it in the spirit of humanity. Be rest assured this phase of lockdown will go either way. Human beings are very resilient and are genetically tuned to survive and evolve and this time will be no different.
Maybe the exam centres will have quarantine facilities, students will sit 6 feet apart and have self-discipline in keeping social distancing.
I believe,the world is starting to accept this as a part of the foreseeable future and while there will be a scare of contracting the disease we will not be locked in forever.It might become like chicken pox -everyone has it once and then we become immune to it.
Ques: Now finally, should we prepare for the paper?
Ans: Oh Yes! They are coming.
Ques: But Sir I don't feel like studying!
Ans: One student said this to me during one of our zoom interactions. Well when has anyone felt like studying, more so now.But we need to so whether you are preparing for CA Final or CA Inter the following is what I suggest
1) Take a break: All work and no play will make the mind retaliate. You have been studying since January for the papers and now they are postponed not once but twice. You feel guilty if you do not study and depressed if you do. Take a BREAK. Take a week off. It always helps. Then get back to a disciplined life ready to take on the exams with full energy.
2) Discipline: अपने आप कोअपनेवष मे करो-It's easy to say I cannot do it, or that I don't know how to. You are the top 5% of the world - Educated and smart, if you cannot lead the way who will?Don't state the problem find a solution.
a. Make a plan (I will write a separate article for this if you want)
b. Morning must be for a little exercise or meditation, to get the mind fresh and healthy.Do it everyday and see you will 'feel' good.
c. Make a fixed timetable to study and when studying do not get distracted by whatsapp, Instagram etc. Self-control!
d. Take regular breaks and at break time do not think about studies.
e. Keep time for entertainment every day. All work and no play leads to a dull mind.
f. Take a Sunday off (if needed)
Ques : I was preparing for 1 group now I don't know whether to start preparation for the second group.
Ans : If you have been preparing for 1 group since January or even earlier, you should already be ready for that group by now.I think you must start preparing for the other group. I suggest - divide your day into 2 parts and
1) in one half keep revising the group you have been preparing for – solve all past year's questions now that you have time, time your answers so that you know how to complete the paper in time , make a revision schedule and ensure that you mind remains eager to give the exams.
2) in the second half start preparation for the other group. You have almost 3 months (as on 5th may) and you should be able to prepare the complete group.
If you are ready by July then at least you have prepared for the next attempt in time. You are unlikely to get 6 months between the July and the next CA attempt.
Get up and take action - now!
Ques : I was preparing for 2 groups now I feel irritated at the postponement and uncertainty is keeping me from studying.
Ans : If you have been preparing for 2 groups for May exams, I am sure you welcomed the first postponement as you must have been short on time and now the second once makes you feel lost. Remember there are 2 ways we look at anything positively or negatively. This is an opportunity to ensure you do everything thoroughly to ensure the result is positive.
1) Make a revision schedule
2) Give regular tests
3) Do all past year's questions
4) Make sure you time your writing . For every mark you have 1.8 minutes. So a 4 mark question should take not more than 7 minutes
Ques : I only had a few papers to give of CA Final. Was hoping to sit for job interviews soon.
Ans : I understand the frustration. But like I said this is much bigger than you or me and we will need to survive and thrive. So, I suggest you utilise the time to upgrade your skill. Join some certification courses in the area of your interest. Gain expertise while others spend time crying.
Be a step ahead. Learn as much as you can. Gains skills – like advanced excel , tally, GST certification , practical Income Tax , Blockchain and Artificial intelligence in finance and more.