3 step rules for success in exams

Akanksha Raut , Last updated: 24 January 2022  

(Anxiety has taken over our mind, the body is shivering, hands are sweating) this is the situation of every CA student appearing for upcoming exams after seeing the Exam Schedule Notification.

Yes, Exam Dates are confirmed but what is the next step to take?

  • How to study?
  • What to study?

In this article let's find out answers to these questions.

Follow three-step Rule for success in any field: Planning, Execution, and Examination.

These three steps will help you to reach your final goal.

3 step rules for success in exams


Plan your schedule, What to do? When to do it? and How to do it? Should be your questions before going forward in this step. For example- a student who has completed his classes and started his studies with all subjects remaining shall first figure out how many days are left. We have to do at least 2 revisions before the exam bifurcates these days into each subject as per his caliber. Make monthly, weekly as well as daily plans according to your bifurcation. This will help you to keep track of your studies and make it efficient. One month before the exam students should make an hourly plan to increase their efficiency.



Maximum students are very good planners and very poor executors, same goes for me. I am also good at planning but very poor at executing so here I am sharing how we can execute our plan. 

First of all, don't put unnecessary pressure on yourself and plan a 15-hour schedule on day 1. Start with a 6 hours day schedule and increase it thereafter. Start with subjects which are interesting for you and that help you to increase your study hours. Studying 2 subjects in a day is better than stretching one all day, it will help you to sit longer. I make notes to keep myself interested in the subject for long hours, you can also try making notes, charts, it will also give clarity and help you to retain the topic for a long time.



The next step is to see how much you have prepared and are in the right direction. By examination, I don't mean to sit for 3 hours and give the paper. Yes, you can do this also but you should always keep testing yourself with random question-solving. For example, if you studied a topic yesterday then today you can randomly pick a question from that topic and solve it without seeing its answer, in this way you can see how much you have retained as well as it is a good way to boost your confidence without giving a long 3-hour exam. Although I recommend that everyone should appear for one mock exam.

Hope this will be helpful for you all. All the best for your exam.

Also Read: Schedule of May 2022 CA Foundation, Inter and Final Exams

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Akanksha Raut
Category Exams   Report

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