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Set your goals and make them happen

Shivanand Pandit , Last updated: 02 January 2016  

Having goals for things we want to do and working towards them is an important part of being human. If we want to succeed, we should set goals effectively. Goal setting endows us a yardstick for deciding whether we are really prospering. It helps us to take control of our life’s direction. The pathway towards our goals may not always run slickly or easily, but having goals is very imperative factor. Goal setting is a strong process for reckoning about our ideal future. This process helps us to decide where we want to go in life.

Setting goals gives us long term vision and short term motivation. It supports us to utilize time and other resources efficiently so that we can make the very best of our life. It also boosts our self-confidence as we identify our own aptitude and proficiency in attaining the goals that we have set. Goal setting is powerful tool because it provides focus. It designs our dreams. It gives us the skill to hone in on the exact actions we need to execute to accomplish everything we desire in life. Goals are great because they cause us to stretch and grow in ways that we never have before. Fortunately, the more strong our goals are, the more we will be able to act on. There is nothing better than setting a goal, having dedication to stay on track and finally achieving it. Here are some golden rules of goal setting:

Set Goals that inspire you

When we set goals, it is important that they should motivate us. Inspiration is the key to attain goals. We have to set goals that relate to the high significances in our life. Goal achievement requires allegiance, so to amplify the probability of success.

Make your goals specific

Our goal must be crystal clear and well defined. Ambiguous or vague goals are totally unhelpful. We need goals to show us the way. They should answer the specific questions of who, what, when, where and why. For each specific goal we design, we should ask ourselves why it is a goal and how it helps.

Create measurable goals

In order to monitor our progress, goals should be quantifiable. It means breaking our goals down into measurable elements. We should include precise amounts, dates and so on in our goals so that we can gauge our grade of success.

Be pragmatic with your goals

We have to evaluate our condition candidly and identify which goals are practical and which are a little far-fetched. We have to make sure that it is possible to achieve the goals set by us. Goals should be relevant to the direction of our life.

Design time framed goals

Time is money! Our goals must have a deadline. When we work on a deadline, our sense of exigency increases and accomplishment will come quicker. So we should make a provisional plan of everything we do. We have to keep timeline rational and elastic.

Track progress periodically

We have to track our progress constantly. If we fail to do so, we cannot attain the goals set in our mind. Writing in a journal is a great way to keep track of both personal and professional progress. Checking in with ourselves and acknowledging the progress made towards a certain goal is key to staying motivated.

Involve others

It is always good to involve others in the process of setting goals. We should obtain advice when necessary. There are people out there who are better at this. Their suggestions are always valuable.

Do not lose sight

One should not lose sight of his or her goals. If we don’t lose sight of it and wade our way through the obstacles, there is not a goal which cannot be achieved.

Welcome failure

We should learn to welcome failure and keep going. Nobody had an absolute smooth run and became successful. Failure is an important part of the entire process. We have to welcome it and learn from it.

To conclude, goal setting is an incredibly vital task but is not widely utilized. Goal setting is amazingly effectual and can offer lucidity and focus not only on the future, but also for the present. Obviously goals are not going to automatically make our life better or make us rich. It is our duty to set goals that make us happy and that are relevant for us. And those who walk that extra mile, deliver, and make an impact are the people who have goals.

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Shivanand Pandit
(OWN BOSS.... :))
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