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Tips to clear Practical Exams

SANYAM ARORA , Last updated: 04 February 2011  

Firstly a very good morning to all of you. So today i am gonna take all of you for an another ride " tips to clear practical subject "...this is a area of major concern and some light should be thrown on it....all of us have been facing a big problem in subjects mainly costing,tax,etc...so i think its high time to discuss some tips with all of you.....

Just after writing article on tips to clear audit,many of my friends approached me to write on practical subjects too....so don't try to avoid but go into depth of what i am trying to say to all........so lets start with it.

Tips to clear practical subjects


Try to be attentive in the exam hall...don't loose your attention in seeing that what your friend is doing...give your 100 % attention in the exam hall,as those 3 hours will decide your future.


This is a very important step...try to analyse the paper within 5 minutes of starting. Firstly see which are the questions you know and which you don't know...and immediately start the question you know..forget about the ones you don't know...that can be sorted out afterwards..



I will disagree with all of you.....everyone thinks that theoretical part can be done just 5 or 6 days before exams....but my friends see just before 1 week,which is full of pressure..how will you able to do it...theory comes about 30 to 35 marks in the exam..how can you take it easily....so my suggestion is to understand the theory part right from the beginning and please please don't try to cram it.......


Many of you just cram the part which you think is not getting inside your mind..but this strategy is really poor and disgusting....try to go into depth of the part.this is not b.com exams that everything will come direct...these are professional exams and they will definitely check your mind in the exam...examiners will try to confuse you with the questions....so if you have done it by heart, you will never ever get confuse....


In recent times,you all must have seen that 50 to 60 % of the practical part is coming from modules and rtp's...so dont try to neglect it.....and solve each and every question of them.



My friend try to maintain clean notes in between the question..the examiner really gets annoyed by all such activities..your working note should form part of the question,it doesnt means that you will completely make it inside the question....so my suggestion is to always make it on a separate page....


If any of yours question gets spoiled,dont waste time in re-checking and making it correct....leave it for the last period of time....as you will get disappointed and also it will spoil your whole paper.



Try to work hard from the very beginning and try solving as many question as you can....!!!

Some good books for self reading.........

Padhuka,maheshwari,mk gupta,pravenn sharma,ajay jain books......!!!

I hope you will all like my effort and waiting for replies as usual....


Regards - Sanyam Aarora

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