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Don't wait after the result, get up and finish it off

CA Anurag Sharma , Last updated: 21 August 2019  

A next day after results is either too enjoyable or is too heavy especially with festival around the corner.  First of all congratulations to those who have been able to add the Prefix CA to their. names. Welcome to the world of opportunities. Don't expect a red carpet initially, but yes your career is safe now. Enjoy the moment.

Around 14,000 people became CAs in this attempt. Now compare with the number of people that passout from other streams, be it management or any other.  Thats why CA has its value. Respect this fact that its after so much grilling that one becomes CA.

Now coming back to those who couldn't. As I have said in my earlier articles too that this is not the end of the road. Its your responsibility to finish the journey that you started and honestly you dont have much time left for the next attempt. Its very hard to gather yourself after a set back. I faced it too.  You just want to elope from the world. There will be people who will be genuinely sad for you but as my experience was there will many who will put you down more. It's your self belief which would help you.

You have failed in an exam and not in the life. Yes it is disappointing when you know that you put all your efforts and still couldnt finish it off, but you have to look back too and realize there must be something where you are lacking. Time is slipping away. Again I repeat never ever skip institute study material. Its the best material that is there. Results are already a month late, which means you have one month less for the preparations. You have to put your best foot forward. Introspect and start again with more vigor. Trust me the confidence which you would get after overcoming failures will be immense. Those you are questioning you right now will be the first to applaud you.

Don't let the weight of negative thoughts and negative people to put you down.  Selective listening is required. It's upto you to take this challenge. Its the toughest thing to hold books again and climb the mountain of a syllabus again, but it has to be done. You have to convert your failures into success and only you my friend hold the key to it.

What has happened has happened.  Get over it. There is no other option, there is no other way.   There was a thing I used to do when I couldn't clear. I used to write all those things about what people said after I failed. It used to be in one column and then I used to write why I needed to succeed in the other column.  The reasons to succeed got me going and the negative things people said about me used to kick my mind more and it made me work harder.  Eventually, its how you motivate yourself to get up and fight again defines your attitude towards success. 

Your motivation will define your hardwork which would define your success and destiny.  Work very hard. There is no shortcut to it.

Get up and finish it off.

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CA Anurag Sharma
(CA )
Category Students   Report

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