Steps for Positive thinking

mallika agrawal (CA FINAL ) (855 Points)

31 January 2011  
  1. Be aware of your thoughts. Choose a quiet spot to just sit and observe what goes on in your mind. Don't engage with any thought; just watch how your mind wanders. Meditation helps to do this.

    Most people are over-identified with their thoughts and as a consequence they suffer. Be aware of your thoughts. Realize that your mind is not you.

  2. Realize your negative thoughts.You may need a bit of soul-searching, as some of our negative thoughts are really deep beliefs about life.

    Negative thoughts trigger negative emotions. A negative emotion (fear, jealousy, worry, anger, and many more) points at something going on that doesn't match with what you actually want or are.

    Most people often just react to the negative emotions. You can take your negative emotions as indicators that you are maintaining negative thoughts.

    Don't be at the mercy of your emotions; rather use them to know yourself better and understand which thoughts and beliefs cause your negative emotions and why.

  3. Change your negative thoughts for positive ones. You can only think of one thing at a time, so if you think about something positive, there is no room for negativity. glass of wine Acknowledge the existence of the negative thought. Replace it for a positive one.

    For example, if you find yourself worrying about money and bills to pay, you could instead think that you always have all the money you need at any point, or you could feel grateful that you have money to spend.

    This example is simple though. If you wanted to dig deeper, you could still think about  what is worrying you, but in a way that is positive about it and made you feel good. Having a positive attitude is seeing the glass half full.