Is XBRL Necessary

Page no : 2

Madhukar (Service) (158 Points)
Replied 14 November 2011

Surely, what the differences XBRL gonna make can be understood from the well explained some of the  benefits by Mr. Ujwal and XBRL is just the beginning of new era in Indian Finance Sector too. This has nos. of benefits like availabilty of B/S in local languages, easiest comparison among same field companies and will enhance the financial literacy among the people..............

Adoption of XBRL in India by MCA is really a daring welcome move though still lots of taxonomies yet to be defind but no issue even the european countries are still in process of development.......

Pooja Naik (exe) (25 Points)
Replied 03 May 2012

 I wish to do a course on XBRL . can anybody guide me ??


Naveen Garg (CA ) (96 Points)
Replied 03 May 2012

 Hi Pooja,

Please look into this e-learning program:


You will find it useful.

Thanks & Regards
Naveen Garg
Naveen.Garg @ nextgenknowledge.com

Mob: 9910332115

Aakar Verma (CA) (46 Points)
Replied 06 October 2012

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