GST & EWAY BILL rule for >> INVOICE TO (different GST # xxxxx): DELIVER TO (( different GST# yyy)

NPS WALIA (CEO) (38 Points)

30 January 2020  

We are a pvt ltd company with 2 offices in different states.

we bought an equipment from a supplier with invoice to & delivered to details.  

invoice to our company ( ABC P. ltd  #GST  XXXXXX) same company name located in a different state)

Deliver to our company ( ABC P. ltd # GST YYYYYYY) same company name located in a different state)

( eway bill was made using the  GST of company where delivery was done)

(This was a temporary delivery for testing and trial for 3 months and finally required to be moved to the company address where it was billed by supplier)

This is a stock item that needs to be invoiced to a customer by the company which received the invoice having ABC P. ltd ( GST #  XXXXXX).

Please advise..

how can the material be transferred/sent by ABC P. ltd ( GST #  YYYYYY) to ABC P. ltd ( GST #  XXXXXX)

ABC P. ltd ( GST #  YYYYYYY) need to make delivery challan and EWAY bill in the name of ABC P. ltd ( GST #  XXXXXX)