Dear Freinds,
Can anyone provide me board resolution format for appointment of Compliance Officer.
Ajay Mishra
(Company Secretary)
(74342 Points)
Replied 14 December 2010
Go to the following link:
(company secretary )
(422 Points)
Replied 14 December 2010
Dear Ajay,
I have not got the Board Resolution Format for Compliance officer-Appointment, on the Link mentioned above .Please provide the format for the same.
Thanks in Advance
CS Ankur Srivastava
(Company Secretary & Compliance Officer)
(17853 Points)
Replied 14 December 2010
“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of Section 383A of the Companies Act, 1956 read with Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Secretary) Rules, 1988, Shri Associate Member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India, be and is hereby appointed as the Company Secretary of the Company w.e.f. ................... on such terms and conditions as may be decided by the management.”
“FURTHER RESOLVED THAT in terms of Clause 47(a) of the Listing Agreement Shri ......................................., Company Secretary be and is hereby appointed as the Compliance Officer of the Company.”
“FURTHER RESOVLED THAT in addition to Shri ....................................., Executive Chairman and Shri ........................................, Managing Director, Shri ......................................, Company Secretary of the Company be and is hereby authorised to sign and file all the E-forms as may be required from time to time to be filed with Registrar of Companies(ROC).”
Ajay Mishra
(Company Secretary)
(74342 Points)
Replied 14 December 2010
“RESOLVED THAT Mr. …….., Secretary of the Company be and is hereby appointed as the Compliance officer as per clause 47 (a) of Equity Listing Agreement and other applicable provisions, if any, and subject to such consent, approval, permission, as may be required, y with effect from ……………………… at a consolidated remuneration and other benefits as per rules of the Company.”
Ankur Garg
(Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)
(114778 Points)
Replied 14 December 2010
Appointment of secretary as a Compliance officer is just a matter of board’s noting so a simple resolution is enough. However if the appointment of a person as secretary and Compliance officer is simultaneously then surely go for the suggestion of CS Ankur Srivastava.
“RESOLVED THAT Ms. Namrata, Secretary of the Company be and is hereby appointed as the Compliance Officer of the Company as per clause 47 (a) of Equity Listing Agreement entered with ____Stock Exchange with effect from ___________.”
Janardhan Kadakeri
(2 Points)
Replied 11 December 2020
for Resolution and other formats visit