CA Praveen Chopra's Expert Profile

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  • prasad mohite says : Service Tax
    Dear Sir, We are Transport Sub contractor and hiring vehicles from the market and Provided to The one company for transport of goods, It seem like we Take Vehicle from X and provided to Y, but Y is also provided these vehicles to end user Z. Shall we liable to register for service tax.

  • Ravi Dugar says : Refund of Service tax
    We are exporters and want to know if we can apply for refund of service tax if we claim Duty Drawback.

  • ....sumit says : income tax
    what does capital means for an individual not have b/profession? means salary employed? how can we show assets in balance sheet at first instance when an nidiviual is filing return first time?

  • BRM says : 40A (3)
    Praveen, If cash payment is made to same party on same day for different invoices totalling more than Rs. 20000 ---- will it be disallowed under income tax e.g. party x, invoice 1 - 6000, invoice 20 - 15000, invoice 3 - 5000 - all these three invoices paid on say November 20 on single day.. what is the implication under 40A(3)? regards, brm

  • SONUJRT says : Tax Audit u/s 44AB and Agricultural Income
    After long research i hv come to the conclusion that Tax Audit u/s 44AB will not applicable in such a case. Plz refer to the below case law: In CIT v. India Magnum Fund (2002) 81 ITD 295 (Mum.), it was held that if income is exempt under sections 10 to 13A, then audit under section 44AB is not required. Therefore, tax audit is not required even if agricultural income exceeds Rs.40 lakh, since the same is exempt under section 10(1). Than you very much for all of you in participating the above discussion.

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