If a person has changed the employment in the 2010-11 is it obligatory for him to show the details of his previous employment to the new employer or is it optional?
Please suggest...........
CA Devender Chauhan (Group Financial Accountant) (1526 Points)
01 February 2011
If a person has changed the employment in the 2010-11 is it obligatory for him to show the details of his previous employment to the new employer or is it optional?
Please suggest...........
(CA, CS)
(54 Points)
Replied 01 February 2011
For details of earlier tax deduction made & exemptions consider by previous employer, current employer required Form No. 16 from previous employer. In this type of case employee can give self statement for salary earned from previous employer & tax deducted & exemptions given, so that will consider by current employer during tax calculation.
So it is not required cumpulsory to give full details & above details can be given for tax calculation purpose only.
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