Namrata @ Plz. Check our mail id...
Sumit Middha
(Head (Fin.& A/c) M.COM M.A.(Eco) MBA CS Final)
(2453 Points)
Replied 02 August 2012
Namrata @ Plz. Check our mail id...
(34 Points)
Replied 10 August 2012
sir can u tel me how i can download this material or fwd to mbarahulrjain @ pls
Sumit Middha
(Head (Fin.& A/c) M.COM M.A.(Eco) MBA CS Final)
(2453 Points)
Replied 10 August 2012
Dear Rahul.
Click on This Link & Download the material.....
Gulshan kumar khatri
(Teacher- business mathematics)
(26 Points)
Replied 20 August 2012
Dear Teachers & Freinds
I need New Study Material for CS Executive 2012 as The Study Material I have Already are out of date. This is a Big Problem for CS Course as it Contains all the Subjects relating ti law and legal provisions.
(22 Points)
Replied 27 August 2012
Gaurav Gupta
(Student )
(33 Points)
Replied 18 September 2012
I request to kindly forward me also the Study material of Executive level of C.S. .
gauravmittal.gupta @
(Student CS)
(23 Points)
Replied 24 September 2012
please upload a soft copy of cs executive study material for both modules. It will be very useful for me.
(Student CS)
(23 Points)
Replied 02 October 2012
i did not get any soft copy of CS executive course. please attached the file i need it.
CS Tukaram Jadhav
(Company Secretaries in Practice)
(42 Points)
Replied 06 October 2012
Dear Sir,
could you please forward me notes for both modules of cs executive progaramm to my email id. jadhavtukaram4 @
(22 Points)
Replied 09 October 2012
Please upload the VCD copy of the CS Executive course study material
thanks& regards
vinay pandey
email:vinay11984 @
CS Tukaram Jadhav
(Company Secretaries in Practice)
(42 Points)
Replied 09 October 2012
thankx alot brother for sharing notes ...
god bless youuuuuu
(Student CS)
(23 Points)
Replied 11 October 2012
soft copy is not attached. please do.
25 Hours GST Scrutiny of Return and Notice Handling(With Recording)
Survey, Search and Seizure under Income Tax Act 1961