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BALASUBRAMANYA B Npro badge (CCI STUDENT....) (44679 Points)

17 October 2012  

R-Steps towards good reuslts in any professional examination.

Read Read your Study Materials and its contents thoroughly. It is the basic textbook that should be used by you in the first stage and in all stages.
Refer Refer any one reference book per subject, preferably from those suggested by the institute. It should be realised that reading many books will not be beneficial for a student in terms of time, cost and incremental benefit.
Realise Realise and understand the poiints of law/ principles nad treatments that are extended in the various subjects in specific topics.
Remove Remove your doubts immediately by contacting your Friends, Seniors, Teachers and Faculty members. Do not carry the weight of your doubts for a long time.
Record Record your findings and note in a separate book. Avoid loose sheets and margin notes in the Study Material itself.The notes should help you revise faster and not contribute to further doubts.
Revise Revise your study materials and notes constantly. Revise all subjects simultaneously over a period.
Recapitulate Recapitulate the main points from your notes and try to answer model questions in examination conditions. Do not solve problems verbally. For thoery questions also writing answers in full will help to assess the time taken.
Represent Represent your understanding of the various concepts in clear and neat terms to the examiner. Your communication should be complete. Use working notes for practical problems and simple language for

The above R_Steps will help you add 2 more Rs: RESULT AND RANK..