(Student CA IPC / IPCC)
(531 Points)
Replied 31 May 2010
(Student CA IPC / IPCC)
(531 Points)
Replied 31 May 2010
(Student CA IPC / IPCC)
(531 Points)
Replied 31 May 2010
(Student CA IPC / IPCC)
(531 Points)
Replied 31 May 2010
Monika Bachhawat
(Chartered Accountant)
(211 Points)
Replied 31 May 2010
ALL The Best to all PE II students, just keep on fighting for your rights
(Student CA IPC / IPCC)
(531 Points)
Replied 31 May 2010
Jeeth Kochar
(92 Points)
Replied 31 May 2010
Hey Friends, i do have many things to share with u all. I was constantly in touch with the current president through mail regarding the injustice towards the PE 2 students. Will post all those mails in this same thread by the EOD. I appriciate u Pranjal and all others for these steps. Choice of media is a best & effective step. Ok how about addressing this issue to the President of India and the Eductaion Minister (if requried) and to all other related parties. ???
(Student CA IPC / IPCC)
(531 Points)
Replied 31 May 2010
(42 Points)
Replied 31 May 2010
Buddy its a good idea to look at approaching media through citizen's journalist forum but, when you want to air your view on a monopolistic/autonomous authority like ICAI we have to be very careful in handling with the things. One or two or three persons representing an un-organised section of PEII students will only be ineffective. I feel that firstly, more and more people should join this forum and express their solidarity and willingness to support the cause.......I haven't observed that happening in a way this issue deserves.... every concerned soul should not only mail the Pres, VP, BOS but should also post the same in this forum along with the reply of the Inst.
That way, every one will be more informed and it helps us in taking a collective decision...
Also we have to remember that we must be clear about WHAT WE WANT....Technically BOS feels that it it has given us a fair deal of a transition scheme....and it proudly claims that the waiver of the mandatory 9 month rule to write under IPCC is a step to accommodate PEII students into IPCC...
Didn't we spend 9 months under PEII to be eligible to write an exam.....???????????? So the Inst feels that it will go on re-structuring the course of CA on its own will and still expects the students of old schemes to start from scratch without considering the time spent by us in our old schemes.....There is no level playing field among PEII--------PCC---------IPCC.
By far we have taken the toughest route to do CA when compared to the preceding CA Inter or succeeding PCC or IPCC.
(42 Points)
Replied 31 May 2010
Buddy its a good idea to look at approaching media through citizen's journalist forum but, when you want to air your view on a monopolistic/autonomous authority like ICAI we have to be very careful in handling with the things. One or two or three persons representing an un-organised section of PEII students will only be ineffective. I feel that firstly, more and more people should join this forum and express their solidarity and willingness to support the cause.......I haven't observed that happening in a way this issue deserves.... every concerned soul should not only mail the Pres, VP, BOS but should also post the same in this forum along with the reply of the Inst.
That way, every one will be more informed and it helps us in taking a collective decision...
Also we have to remember that we must be clear about WHAT WE WANT....Technically BOS feels that it it has given us a fair deal of a transition scheme....and it proudly claims that the waiver of the mandatory 9 month rule to write under IPCC is a step to accommodate PEII students into IPCC...
Didn't we spend 9 months under PEII to be eligible to write an exam.....???????????? So the Inst feels that it will go on re-structuring the course of CA on its own will and still expects the students of old schemes to start from scratch without considering the time spent by us in our old schemes.....There is no level playing field among PEII--------PCC---------IPCC.
By far we have taken the toughest route to do CA when compared to the preceding CA Inter or succeeding PCC or IPCC.
sumanth sharma v
(56 Points)
Replied 31 May 2010
I think we need to fight
I have Rajdeep Sardesai s mail id who is editor in chief of ibnlive .Please send the a email to him he might help us .
Here is the mail Id rajdeep.sardesai @ .I am from Hyderabad and I am ready to help in any way possible.I have stopped writing PE II after I did not get aggregate marks .In may 2010 I wrote the exams but not confident of getting it through.
Nitin Moudgil
(694 Points)
Replied 31 May 2010
i agree, firstly we should frame work the question prone to be asked during interview... and we should also forcast as what icai can answer against such questions.... And accordingly we should plan our query...
This forcasting of answer (from my point of view) should be kept secret becuase disscussing such issues openly will make our side weaker...... much responsibility is on delhi pe2 student.
Friends its not easy to fight with ICAI. They will have the answers of all the questions which you are going to ask. Everybody knows about the injustice and partiality with PE2 students, but what do you think they will clearly accept all these things ? You have to be fully prepared to face any situation.I know its already too late to take any action, still my suggestion is to wait for the results and any further announcement and then take any action. Its not possible for a group of 15-20 persons to fight and win with ICAI.
friends please do not mind.... its not a negative thinking its a fact.
Nitin Moudgil
(694 Points)
Replied 31 May 2010
just sent a mail to aaj tak and demanded a suitable procedure so that we can approach them with full case study
(pursuing pgdm & ca)
(62 Points)
Replied 31 May 2010
One more thing we can do is to form a group state wise and then to take initiative aginst them.and i think whatever is to be done,whatever action is to be taken it should be done before results are declared.I am from kolkata and i reqst all kolkata guys who r suffering from PE II to come forward and raise voice agaist them.If anythng to be done somebody have to lead.Like people from delhi, as per d thread r very mch eager to take steps against them.So i reqst all kolkatan guys plzzz plzzz come forward and rply to this thread and form a grp...
Ashish Maheshwari