Please support the PEII students -Share your opinions

Page no : 4


This is the response i recieved  to the letter which Debojit & other PE2 stream students including me had sent to ICAI


Dear Student,

The present position of eligibility to appear in the Final examination of different stream students as per existing CA Regulations/ Council decisions are as follows:

1. All PE-II registered & passed students can appear in the Final Examination during the last 12 months of their articleship.

2. All PCC registered & passed (including converted from PE-II to PCC) students can appear in the Final Examination only after completing 3½ years of articleship.

3. Students who have opted/ converted to IPCC can appear in the Final examination during the last 6 months of their articles.

          You are advised to continue your studies and preparation for examination as
per present set of Regulations.

          If any change takes place and which affects students in general will be intimated through an announcement on our web site for the information of the students concerned.


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jayanta patra (students) (95 Points)
Replied 31 May 2010

CA PE-II students are now under uncertainties of their carreer due to partiality of ICAI. As in the last PE-II may-2010 exam, 1st day the accounting question was very tough. question which carrying 16 marks erlier was put for 8 marks.same question for pcc/ipcc student put with suitable mark. who will say what would be fate of pe-ii student.earlier i was giving respect/love to the renowed institute. But Institute is playing with our life.

oh! God save us..............................................

ashish (pursuing pgdm & ca) (62 Points)
Replied 31 May 2010

@ girish: its not about being hero in d eye of plzz its a reqst dnt put such typ of comment on anybodys threads.And abt tarnishing ICAI image..we are nt tryng 2 tarnishing ICAI there are certain realities which should b reveal and is to bring in an open forum.WHY WE PE II STUDENTS  HAVE TO SUFFER???

There is no  grudges  against any ipcc,pcc or any final student..Its simple we want justice..WE have been treated in an unfair way...

Girirsh u cud hav undsnd our prblm in bttr way,if you would have suffer d same which we are.

@ pranjal n other frenzz ,comments from people like girish n others are very much expected..Bt we shd carry on wid d same spirit...




Ashish Maheshwari

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jayanta patra (students) (95 Points)
Replied 31 May 2010

CA PE-II students are now under uncertainties of their carreer due to partiality of ICAI. As in the last PE-II may-2010 exam, 1st day the accounting question was very tough. question which carrying 16 marks erlier was put for 8 marks.same question for pcc/ipcc student put with suitable mark. who will say what would be fate of pe-ii student.earlier i was giving respect/love to the renowed institute. But Institute is playing with our life.

We require helps from out side to save the dreams of pe-ii student

oh! God save us..............................................

jayanta patra (students) (95 Points)
Replied 31 May 2010

Institute is playing with fate of PE-II student. Let us take joint steps to overcome such partial attitude towards pe-ii student. i am agree with all the action which will be for the betterment of us .

my contact no.09040151360

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Kalpesh Chauhan, (Tax Assistant (Accounting Technician CA FINAL CS PROF. PROG. B.Com))   (8311 Points)
Replied 31 May 2010

Thanks to all for the co-operation.

M. N. JHA (CA) (8316 Points)
Replied 31 May 2010

Brother, may be u r right but u must think ICAI has more power then students. So i don't think media is helpful for u on that metter. So u should choose different steps. I think u must try "LAGE RAHO MUNNA BHAI"S idea.

M. N. JHA (CA) (8316 Points)
Replied 31 May 2010

One things more, Any idea will sucessful only when u all meet at one place together and then go for that step.

vaibhav (student) (131 Points)
Replied 31 May 2010

Thanks Jay kishan for your Suggession...

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Pranjal (Student CA IPC / IPCC) (531 Points)
Replied 31 May 2010

Yeah it's true that we've to meet.But still the road map can be settled through message board also.In my last post a few minutes back I've suggested to take the help of CAs who are associated with students are who also have access to the top brass of the Institute,please convey your opinion about that.

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Ankur Garg (Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)   (114778 Points)
Replied 31 May 2010

Dear Friends and PE-II aspirants,

As per my understanding all the caclubindia members are with you all so just keep on fighting for your rights.

I wish you all the good luck

Best Regards

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vaibhav (student) (131 Points)
Replied 31 May 2010

Dear Ankur Garg you are one Responsible Person ...Thanks for Support.

Nitin Moudgil (~) (694 Points)
Replied 31 May 2010

i am with you, and thanks ankur for your so motivating words. Dear Pranjal and Debojit please share a commom a plan what to do.... how to do.... and when to do....


And remember we are not opposing ICAI, therefore there is no question that icai has more power or we.... we all will use words which donot harm any1 feeling... anbd at the end of conversation we will ask for fair deal... no any protest... I think this is munna bhai style.... what else u count as Munna bhai style???

Jeeth Kochar (AUDIT EXECUTIVE) (92 Points)
Replied 01 June 2010

Dear Prinjal,  I would like to recall that the situation is urgent, we are at the  edge of the matter and quite serious too, it needs earliest plan & action thats the reason i suggested about the President. Well, Its been more than year since i was behind the institue in this matter. As i said this morning here im attaching a file containing a few  communications i had with the institute, which may help to know the institutes intention and for out next step.

Attached File : 42 new microsoft word document.doc downloaded: 232 times

vaibhav (student) (131 Points)
Replied 01 June 2010

Good work Jeeth..God bless you

as they say all students are treated equally


    If Failed in PE II/IPCC/PE II  (In Years)        
  Cours Period One Attemp Two Attemp Three Attemp Four Attemp Five Attemp Conclution
PE II 5 Years 5.6 6 6.5 7 7.5 Abnorml Future
PCC Less then 4 Years 4 4 4 4 4.5 Happy Future
IPCC More then 4 Years 4 4 4 4.5 5 Happy Future

Show this table as eye opener..

Still i have not consider other many factors.


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