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One of my poem..!

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*RENU SINGH * (✩ §m!ℓ!ñġ €ม€§ fℓม!ñġ ђ♪gђ✩ )   (21627 Points)
Replied 10 August 2011

nice .....

1 Like

Sanket (!..Live to Give..!) (16427 Points)
Replied 10 August 2011

Thank You all.....:)

Yes it is difficult to adopt but we can atleast try.....

Yogesh Lodha (CA CS Final) (66 Points)
Replied 11 August 2011

very nice....keep sharing

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swathi (student pcc) (584 Points)
Replied 14 August 2011

Good one !!

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Sanket (!..Live to Give..!) (16427 Points)
Replied 09 September 2011

Thank You very Much guys.....

satish kumar voleti (A.C.A., (ICWAI)) (1686 Points)
Replied 24 November 2011

it's good, and i think these words came from your heart and not from mouth, if ur heart is like that  u will be useful for the country and society..........


gud words yarrrrrrr.




Sanket (!..Live to Give..!) (16427 Points)
Replied 26 November 2011

Originally posted by : satish kumar

it's good, and i think these words came from your heart and not from mouth, if ur heart is like that  u will be useful for the country and society..........


gud words yarrrrrrr.




Rightly Said Mr. Satish. and Thankx for the Appreciation......

Sourav Banerjee MA,MSW (Shabda Bramha) (8842 Points)
Replied 06 January 2012

Love for material achievements engulfs the mind of human beings. That's natural. Such achievements bestow prosperity, confidence and power. General tendency about what power brings was nicely put by Lord Acton some time ago ( which, of course, holds good in most of the cases till now ) - " Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. "

Now, what does power corrupt? Obviously, it is the intent, the psyche of the powerful that gets corrupted by power. His subsequent actions are manifestations of his corrupt soul.

But this hypothesis of Lord Acton , much prevalent as it is, has to change someday. Otherwise, getting rid of corruption from our surroundings would be as Utopian a dream as you can think of. And who is best equipped to be the vanguards of such a change? Obviously, it is the youth of this country. They are our hope.

It's an all-pervasive matter and it includes young minds who are to become CAs, CMAs,CSs, MBAs, Civil Servants and the like in course of time; those who will be an instrument in the policy making for our Motherland.


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Vandana Mulchandani (Finance Manager ) (9227 Points)
Replied 06 January 2012

Good one Sanket.....its very easy to follow if we have decided to ....not so hard. Thank you for the motivating poem.

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Sanket (!..Live to Give..!) (16427 Points)
Replied 07 January 2012

Originally posted by : Sourav Banerjee MA,MSW

Love for material achievements engulfs the mind of human beings. That's natural. Such achievements bestow prosperity, confidence and power. General tendency about what power brings was nicely put by Lord Acton some time ago ( which, of course, holds good in most of the cases till now ) - " Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. "

Now, what does power corrupt? Obviously, it is the intent, the psyche of the powerful that gets corrupted by power. His subsequent actions are manifestations of his corrupt soul.

But this hypothesis of Lord Acton , much prevalent as it is, has to change someday. Otherwise, getting rid of corruption from our surroundings would be as Utopian a dream as you can think of. And who is best equipped to be the vanguards of such a change? Obviously, it is the youth of this country. They are our hope.

It's an all-pervasive matter and it includes young minds who are to become CAs, CMAs,CSs, MBAs, Civil Servants and the like in course of time; those who will be an instrument in the policy making for our Motherland.


Became speechless on your comments Sir.... really i have never think like while creating this poem also...

Thank you sir... as i m always saying your comments are extra - ordinary.....


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hearty welcome to such CA, our country needs such professional citizen. I agree, these lines must be motto of Chartered Accountancy, not only for that to every profession., "learning not for earning, learning and earning for service", these are the same words I repeat to my kids, learning is to serve the country, choose whatever field you like, but being human being is the first choice we should make.. amazing one sanket, sorry I missed it, as its posted in career section, Thankyou for showing a new way to us

Sanket (!..Live to Give..!) (16427 Points)
Replied 10 January 2012

Originally posted by : Harini
hearty welcome to such CA, our country needs such professional citizen. I agree, these lines must be motto of Chartered Accountancy, not only for that to every profession.,
"learning not for earning, learning and earning for service", these are the same words I repeat to my kids, learning is to serve the country, choose whatever field you like, but being human being is the first choice we should make..
amazing one sanket, sorry I missed it, as its posted in career section, Thankyou for showing a new way to us

Yeah Friend absolutely agree and have kept in mind while writing this poem...

You just got the exactly same meaning as i want to Convey......

Thankx for comment and appreciation.....

CA RAHUL AGRAWAL (Assistant Manager-Service Tax)   (1733 Points)
Replied 22 July 2012

That is Just AweSome....!!$$$

work is worship (Service) (2728 Points)
Replied 03 November 2012

HI Sanket 

Just saw this post.. awesome....

@VaibhavJ (Believe!! Live your dreams!)   (33511 Points)
Replied 14 December 2012

Originally posted by : !..SaNKeT..!

"The above lines should be MOTTO of  A Chartered Accountancy......"

What You Say Guys.....??


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