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CA IN PRACTICE... ( CA ) (490 Points)
Replied 17 November 2009

 I am a student of CA final in Jalandhar.

Is there any technique to remind all the important sections of law on tips or easily.


please guide

dharmistha (ca final) (34 Points)
Replied 16 March 2010

thanks ankur sir very interesting notes.

1 Like

Ankur Garg (Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)   (114778 Points)
Replied 06 May 2010

Originally posted by : Gopal Subedi
 I am a student of CA final in Jalandhar.
Is there any technique to remind all the important sections of law on tips or easily.
please guide


One technique is --- discuss the sections with your friends. Solve the practical problems based on the section.

Develop your interest in law and interpretations of law. This is the best technique.

Anitha B Raj (MBA-HR , CS - Finnal) (83 Points)
Replied 06 May 2010

sir plz help me how to study economis & securitys im finding too difficulty plz help me sir

Ankur Garg (Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)   (114778 Points)
Replied 07 May 2010

Prepare security laws with the help of scanner and ICSI Guidelines. Give a quick reading to study.


Prepare notes of all the frequently asked questions in exams and learn them.


Khushi-Khushi pado security law...tabhi samajh aayga. Obviously it will take time to understand.


All the Best

Anitha B Raj (MBA-HR , CS - Finnal) (83 Points)
Replied 07 May 2010

thanks a lot sir,

and i decided to read scanner chapter wise &  guidlines , for economis also shall i use same method.

whether scanncer & guidlines covers all na sir  hey sahi method hei ?.


plz let me know for economis also.


thanks in advance!

Ankur Garg (Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)   (114778 Points)
Replied 07 May 2010

First complete your scanner with the help of guidelines. After gaining enough confidence add new and important topics. Prepare revision schedule side by side for final exam time.


Length of Economic laws is too much.


Let me tell you a real incident. In CS Final Economic laws paper my revision schedule got completely failed due to length of course and just 1 hour before exam mera aansoo nikal pada as my entire hard work...... In exam i got MRTP procedure for 17 marks which i could not recall due to lack of revision and lost the entire attemp by 3 marks as i got 197. That is the only failure of my life.   


But in the next attempt i got 71 in economic laws with full proof revision schedule.


So focus on revision.

Anitha B Raj (MBA-HR , CS - Finnal) (83 Points)
Replied 07 May 2010

i am finding a difficulty in MRTP & Trade & compitation Act only .

so i vll go with Scanners

Ankur Garg (Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)   (114778 Points)
Replied 07 May 2010

Do not worry. Everything will be all right. Keep up the preparation in a happy happy mood. Also give some time to yourself to chil with family and friends.


All the Best

Anitha B Raj (MBA-HR , CS - Finnal) (83 Points)
Replied 07 May 2010

yeah thanks a lot

Anitha B Raj (MBA-HR , CS - Finnal) (83 Points)
Replied 07 May 2010


i have 1 question please let me know the ans.

jolly has been found guilty of contravention of sec 4 of FEMA ace 1999 , wheather jolyy can get immunity/relief from the conseqances of the said contravention.


thanks in advance

Ankur Garg (Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)   (114778 Points)
Replied 07 May 2010

Originally posted by : Anitha B Raj


i have 1 question please let me know the ans.

jolly has been found guilty of contravention of sec 4 of FEMA ace 1999 , wheather jolyy can get immunity/relief from the conseqances of the said contravention.


thanks in advance

i think this jolly question came in my exam or tab bhi nahi aata tha or ab bhi nahi aata. Sorry yaar. Use Guideline.

Anitha B Raj (MBA-HR , CS - Finnal) (83 Points)
Replied 07 May 2010

k so we can guss question may repeat ! gud

CA Himanshu Sikka (Audit Executive) (78 Points)
Replied 11 June 2010

mazaaaaaaaaaa aaaa gyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Kalpesh Chauhan, (Tax Assistant (Accounting Technician CA FINAL CS PROF. PROG. B.Com))   (8311 Points)
Replied 11 June 2010


Important Suggestions for PCC and IPCC Students for Law, Ethics and Communication.


Syllabus of Paper – 3 Business and Corporate Laws:


The given below table describes weightage of marks including options








The Indian Contract Act, 1872



The Sale of Goods Act, 1930



The India Partnership Act, 1932



The Negotiable Instruments  Act, 1881



The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965



The Employees Provident Fund and  Miscellaneous Provision Act, 1952



The Cooperative Societies Act, 1912 Including the Multi-state Cooperative Societies Act, 2002



The Companies Act, 1956



Total marks with options




Books to be Referred.

  1. Study module
  2. Compilation
  3. N.D. Kapoor
  4. G.K. Kapoor
  5. RTP of upcoming exam.
  6. Personal notes of cases and sections


General Guidelines for Law


Business Law


  • Start with easy Acts like Bonus or EPF. It will enhance your confidence.
  • Go through module first. Don’t try to mug it up just understand  the main content of the topic.
  • Note down the important points and cases in a separate book.
  • Further, try to complete special contracts first  like  quasi contracts, bailment and pledge, indemnity and gurantee etc.. it is because most of the questions in last exams are asked from this part only. The Indian Contract Act, 1872)
  • Don’t waste too much time behind remembering cases and sections. Its because institute wants knowledge from you about provisions regarding particular Act & not sections. If you write right section but your answer is wrong than you will not get enough marks you m ight get just half or one mark. But if you know the provisions and your answer is right and even if don’t write the section or case you will get 3 to 4 marks. I tried that thing and got succeeded in it. Institute generally asks practical questions from this chapter and also almost in every chapter in last exam. So if you know the theory very well but if u can’t apply in practical questions you will get only passing marks. So compilation will be great source in understanding what institute wants from us
  • Please don’t leave all the cases and sections if you have power and time to memorize sections and cases than please go for it. I am not saying that they are not important. But main thing is provisions.
  • Just try to memorize important sections like
  • minor-Sec.11 in Mohiri Bibi vs Dharam das ghose.. of contract Act, 1872.
  • Never try to leave in option anything completely. Just read it 2 or 3 times for reference if any part is asked from such less important parts like general contracts in contracts. Its important because in case an easy question is asked from this part you can answer it easily rather than leaving it.
  • Prepare a separate note for each chapter in which you should write the important topics, sections and cases and amendment if any (e.g. negotiable instruments act. In 2002) in brief which you can revise speedily at exam time. It is because you will not be able to revise all the lengthy 8 acts in two days on exam.
  • I think you all have seen 3 idiots. It sends an awesome message which says that don’t be exam oriented be excellence oriented. Institute normally wants us to be aware of general and working knowledge of different acts not expertise so please don’t think about mugging each and everything
  • For EPF act please write each and every answer at least 2 to 3 times in a rough book from compilation and module. It is so because it contains very rigid language and difficult to remember.


Corporate Law

  • Please go through compilation first (including PE-II’s compilation)
  • Then from G.K. Kapoor just go through for 1 or 2 times regarding different small terms and definitions like share, stock, share warrant, allonge, etc.
  • Don’t spent too much time in Company law from module as it is lengthy and you also don’t have time to complete it. It is because Institute now asks mostly practical problems from each and every act. They hardly ask theory and also if they ask we can attempt it easily or we can took it in option. But please this does not mean that you should feel relax about company law. You have to do it but in a systematic manner as I did.
  • From module do meetings and proceedings, dividends, borrowings, minutes & returns. It is because that part is much easier and also important from exam perspective.




  1. Students of PCC and IPCC should not that above points are applicable to only those points which are in their syllabus.
  2. Don’t follow points which are not applicable to you which is not in your syllabus.
  3. Try to understand the basic method of working with Law subject.



With Regards,


Kalpesh Chauhan.


(PE-II November 2009. Paper -3 Business & Corporate Laws – 81 Marks)


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