Every Individual should Read..

Sasanka Bhalaki (Student) (1935 Points)

07 June 2011  

Dear friends, as we all know that How much importance that we have given to our INDIAN WOMEN in PURANAS  or by our ANCESTORS..we treat our country as MOTHER INDIA ( women)

- We treat every women as our mother or our sister or a welwisher or a responsible wife..and somany..

Do u think that without women there are men in the world?? no..

because no one in the world can do the work as women can be affectionate as women..this is true..but what is happening to them are we giving equal importance in our country????  no.

Because still somany people in India Believe that Women should rest in home and nothing else..

there has been somany problems faced by women by just travelling on road..like teasing of college students or kidnapping or s*xual harrasment..etc there are somany ..recently Women traficking (means forceably pushing into s*xual work) are we giving importance to such women ??? daily we hear in news somany ladies are dying by getting raped or getting killed by some strange person for not accepting his love.

Why??? what is happening to our mother India..?Do u think Women should face all this? 

Killing Girl baby inside the womb itself for the sake reduction in expenditure like dowries..

why???? What would happen when women turn against men????

It is just my aguish which i wanted to share..because by seeing all such things in news paper..i feel really sad for them..

I really and hearfully dedicate this article to All the Women in the world..