Draft aoa under new companies act, 2013

Page no : 4

Ravi shekhhar (auditor) (32 Points)
Replied 23 December 2013

kindly mail me the format of AOA & MOA of a private limited company..

email id: shekhar786rs @ gmail.com

Ajay Mishra (Company Secretary) (74342 Points)
Replied 23 December 2013

Hope You Got the same.

Abhishek Mahajan (cs) (22 Points)
Replied 27 December 2013

kindly mail me the word format of AOA & MOA of a private limited company..

email id: acsabhishek2013 @ gmail.com

Md Soheb Alam (CS) (22 Points)
Replied 02 January 2014

Dear Ajay Sir, kindly mail me the word format of AOA & MOA of a private limited company. My email id: cssoheb @ gmail.com Thanks in advance

amit gupta (senior member) (27 Points)
Replied 17 January 2014

Dear Ajay Sir,

Please mail me the word format of AOA & MOA of a private limited company under new companies act, 2013.
My email id: gargamitkr @ gmail.com

Thanks in advance

CA Raman Loya (Practicing Chartered Accountant)   (26 Points)
Replied 17 January 2014

Dear Sir,


Kindly Send me word copy of MOA and AOA

ramanloya @ gmail.com

Birendra kumar (PROFESSIONAL) (66 Points)
Replied 18 January 2014

Dear Sir


pl send the draft mao & aoa in word format for finace & investment consultant company at kumarbirendra66666 @ gmai.com

Sourav Agrawal (ARTICLE) (24 Points)
Replied 21 January 2014

can u please mail me the new MOA and AOA in word format

Thanx in advance

My mail id is

mohitjain0720 @ gmail.com

casouravagrawal @ yahoo.com


Manoj H Jaiswal (Chartered Accountant) (26 Points)
Replied 25 January 2014

pls mail me moa format on email id manojjaiswal09 @ gmail.com

chandan seth (no) (23 Points)
Replied 27 January 2014

Dear Ajay Sir,

Please provide Word format of MOA and AOA me too. My mail Id is chseth @ gmail.com.

Thanks in advance

Chandan Seth


CA Dolly Jain (CA, CS) (223 Points)
Replied 27 January 2014

Sir, I also need word format of MOA and AOA. 

My ID is ca_dollyjain @ ymail.com

Thanks in advance

Pooja (CS) (35 Points)
Replied 07 February 2014

Sir, please mail me the new MOA and AOA in word format. My mail id is poojasurana89 @ gmail.com.

Thanks in advance

CA. Lavkush Somani (Practicing Chartered Accountant)   (21 Points)
Replied 14 February 2014

Dear Ajay Ji,


Please mail the drafts of MOA & AOA in MS Word format on srsomaniandco @ gmail.com.




Lavkush Somani

Replied 20 February 2014

Please mail the New MOA and AOA in word format. My email id is cabansal61 @ gmail.com.

Rahul Gupta (Partner) (152 Points)
Replied 27 February 2014

Hi Mates

We have compiled MOA and AOA in word format.
Download from the below link.





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