Congrats to BROTHER Saurav for being Featured January 2012

Rahul Bansal (Finalist) (35929 Points)

02 January 2012  


Click to get the codes for this image. This glitter graphic shows an animated glass of champaign on a background of gold stars. The comment reads: Congratulations!







Featured Member > Sourav Banerjee


Sourav Banerjee is a MA, MSW and pursuing CS Executive. From last 3 years he is working as a Secretariat Assistant in the Department of Parliamentary Affairs, Govt of WB. In a short span of time he has become a favourite among CCItes and we are glad to have him on board.


It's great to have a Legend "Brother Saurav"


as Featured Member in our CCI Family 


January 2012





His Belief







  New year gift   




"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around."





  1. Glimpse of 2011
  2. The prevention of money laundering (amendment) bill, 2011
  3. Pre-budget memorandum for union budget 2012-13
  4. "What is real success "
  5. Great minds great thoughts
  6. Uncommon word - common meaning pt ii
  7. Citizen s charter
  8. Banning bhagwad gita
  9. Draft code of conduct for ca students
  10. Deadliest enemy
  11. The seeds bill and its relevance today
  12. Press release by ministry of parliamentary affairs, goi
  13. We all learned it in kindergarten

  14. National food security bill, 2011

  15. Cs, ca, cwa (amendment) bill, 2011
  16. Climb untill your dream comes true
  17. Economic and labour laws
  18. One word substitutions part i
  19. How the little kite learned to fly?
  20. God a search within
  21. Boy or girl socialising gender
  22. You who live safe
  23. Agent orange
  24. An interview with god
  25. Kill only if you are hungry
  26. Download - awesome secret
  27. My english-posts till date
  28. My posts on psychology till date
  29. My insirational-posts till date
  30. Array of words
  31. Minimum Wages Act
  32. "The great dictator final speech"
  33. when insults had class
  34. "Mahabharata - the epic serial"
  35. "Murphy s laws"
  36. Moonlight sonata

********************************************************************************** Profile Details






Age : 38 Years 



Educational Qualification: MA(Pol. Sc.), MSW( Stood 3rd),CS Exe.(Pursuing)



Working : As Secretariat Assistant in The Department of Parliamentary Affairs,Govt. of West Bengal, Writers' Buildings

(3 years)




  • For 1 year in  IISWBM ( Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management ) as ' Assistant, Placement and Public relations Cell'
  • As Marketing Executive for Ludwigshafen University, Germany during his stay at IISWBM.


Extra curricular activity:  Ameteur CHESS player (ELO rating : 1769)



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