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Ca has lost its value

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HighFloat (I love to Read) (146 Points)
Replied 16 November 2013

its not CA.. its we.. damned Indians.. with so much youth.. all getting educated ... a generation ago.. no one was educated.. now suddenly everyone is in... we are not just 1 country.. we are like 5 countries problem in one... so sooner or later whatever shall come in trend must loose its value.. first it was law.. then mba.. now ca... happy valentines

vandana (cs executive ) (54 Points)
Replied 16 November 2013

In my view professionals make its profession good or bad so it depands on the person ...
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CA. Virander Sharma (Manage Finance) (31 Points)
Replied 17 November 2013

Who is this sh*t guy posting this type of stupid thoughts..respect ur profession..if not then get lost.
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RIPUL BANSAL (article) (61 Points)
Replied 17 November 2013

Never.... ca has constant value.. it depends upon persons that how they executes their abilities bcz every person isnot same... value depends upon experience and how frequently a person updating himself.. so ca value cant be down ever forever....
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Sheel priya (Article & CA FINAL) (160 Points)
Replied 17 November 2013

Nobody compare with ca
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Sheel priya (Article & CA FINAL) (160 Points)
Replied 17 November 2013

Ca cannot lost its value....... nobody compare with ca

Aakash Mathur (Student) (21 Points)
Replied 17 November 2013

Mr Vikas i think u need some treatment or something bcoz most of us on this blog are CA'S or pursuing CA. And the proffesion we have chosen is unbeatable and the most respectable. So in case u think that ca has lost its value , go and check the statistics.

Anil Sankar V (CA) (1877 Points)
Replied 17 November 2013

Mr.vikas agarwal , if ur member of ca community , ur killing ur own community.then why are you doing ca? Go and do some other course. We want members committed to our proffesion CA.
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pawan tewari ( ) (544 Points)
Replied 17 November 2013

You go to hell. Why ca will lost its value

Raghu vender singh (article assisstant) (80 Points)
Replied 17 November 2013

Iam persuing ipcc n i respect ca its value l nvr gt lost if u tink so dn u gt lost to some othr course

Surya Attal (Auditing) (22 Points)
Replied 17 November 2013

Ca never lost its value. Imp. Fact that may have come to notice of all of you that in most of the cases... person who is eligible to become CA... doest gets this title but person who is not eligible.. i.e. i mean to say.. who has not made hard efforts.. become CA. what u think ??

Abburi Sai krishna (Articles) (65 Points)
Replied 17 November 2013

Its depends on how the public give respect and take respect

Gayathri P (.) (42 Points)
Replied 17 November 2013

Nowadays lots of student s are pursuing CA which decreases the chance for a good job for everyone..If you are aiming at a job only,you are assured that once you clear the final exam you will get a decent job..But if you are extremely passionate about this profession you can increase its value by exploring more in the fields of accountancy, mathematics, management etc..Again passing the exam and excelling in the career are both different..CA proffession requires spontaneity, practical expertise and good communication skills..If all these combinations come together,definetly you will increase the value of CA.

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Gayathri P (.) (42 Points)
Replied 17 November 2013

Nowadays lots of student s are pursuing CA which decreases the chance for a good job for everyone..If you are aiming at a job only,you are assured that once you clear the final exam you will get a decent job..But if you are extremely passionate about this profession you can increase its value by exploring more in the fields of accountancy, mathematics, management etc..Again passing the exam and excelling in the career are both different..CA proffession requires spontaneity, practical expertise and good communication skills..If all these combinations come together,definetly you will increase the value of CA.

Gayathri P (.) (42 Points)
Replied 17 November 2013

Nowadays lots of student s are pursuing CA which decreases the chance for a good job for everyone..If you are aiming at a job only,you are assured that once you clear the final exam you will get a decent job..But if you are extremely passionate about this profession you can increase its value by exploring more in the fields of accountancy, mathematics, management etc..Again passing the exam and excelling in the career are both different..CA proffession requires spontaneity, practical expertise and good communication skills..If all these combinations come together,definetly you will increase the value of CA.

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