If any one require automated form 16 & 16A new format for download,
any queries or feedback mail me email at azmathullah9 @ rediffmail.com, azmath @ springfieldsschool.com
Or Download from this side.
Azmathullah Khan (Accounts Manager) (1386 Points)
11 June 2008If any one require automated form 16 & 16A new format for download,
any queries or feedback mail me email at azmathullah9 @ rediffmail.com, azmath @ springfieldsschool.com
Or Download from this side.
Kunj Ladia
(21 Points)
Replied 11 June 2008
Azmathullah Khan
(Accounts Manager)
(1386 Points)
Replied 11 June 2008
Check mail for form 16, need feed back
(Travel Agent)
(26 Points)
Replied 03 January 2010
Dear Sir,
Can u please send automated form 16a and 16 linked with data table for the year (ay)2010-11.
please send the same at dhiraj_lko @ rediffmail.com
(45 Points)
Replied 08 February 2011
Dear Sir,
Pl. provide the Form 16 (F. Y.10-11) in excel format (Earning Head : Basic Salary, H.R.A., Medical Allowance, Conveyance Allowance, Leace Travel Allowance, Personal Allowance & Deduction Head : P.T. +Income Tax+Advance )
Sanjeev Sharma
PF & ESI Course - Labour Code 2019 Along with Examples and Case Studies