I qualified as a CA in 2002 and am currently pursuing an MBA in Barcelona, Spain. Since I manage to get some free time, i often reflect on the value of the CA degree in my professional life. I was under the system where i did my articleship alongwith college (I don’t know how they have currently structured the same) and so it was an extremely challenging course, not only academically – but also in terms of becoming a working professional. I worked in a variety of industries subsequently, ranging from Real Estate to Consulting for quite a few years.

The basis of my reflection upon the real value of the degree is based on two aspects:

a. The Technical (hard skills): Without doubt, the CA degree gave me tools and skills which are incredible. I know of no other course that is as rigorous and demanding in so many different subjects (Law, Accounting, Cost Accounting, etc) and yet manages to maintain the depth in each of those subjects. The level and depth of understanding required in each of these areas is incredible. In my current experience, it compliments the general and overall nature of my education during an MBA. I am now able to relate and link different aspects of a company (related to the subjects we study in CA) in an overall level. The ability to see implications of one decision in different aspects is an invaluable skill that people aspire to achieve when they move up in a hierarchy of an organisation. I believe that this fundamental basis was laid down for me by pursuing the CA course.

b. Soft Skills: Since i started my articleship alongwith college, i had the advantage of having worked for 3 years by the time i completed my college. This i feel was a huge advantage in terms of knowing people, business and just being aware of myself as a professional. This experience definately helps to shape one’s views and attitudes. It was hard work during those years, but I would definatly recomment it to people who want to gain an edge over others when they are working. The nature of skills that you need to develop while you are on Audit and studying in college at the same time are incredible – you learn to balance multiple things, establish and maintain relations and eventually also deliver results as a professional.

OK, so have i realy answere dmy own question – does a CA degree add value?
For me, the answer is a clear Yes, but it would be nice to hear other people’s experiences and views on the same. (Why I chose to do an MBA ? – wait for the next post!)
