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Tips on public speaking

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CA Bhargav Nathwani (CA in Practice) (8307 Points)
Replied 22 March 2013

Originally posted by : Anamikaa Shuklaa

After a long tym u shared............


Nice n useful sharing Bhargav ji...............


We all keep dis point  in mind..................

yes Amamikkaa..after long time.. Thanks for reading !

CA Bhargav Nathwani (CA in Practice) (8307 Points)
Replied 22 March 2013

Originally posted by : V.V.MOHAN KUMAR

Hai bhargav...nice article dude....

i want to add some more..if u dnt mind...

as priyanka said there may be some tension and fear while presenting a topic,so...to avoid that u can move all the available space and show some gestures which may help in showing some hand movement if u dnt get the exact words at that time...

moreover expressing is most imp than correctly expresing becoz doing mistake is human nature...so by practising one would improve his skills....


that's all wat i got into my mind when i read ur article...thanks for this wonderful post.

hi mohan kumar.

You are most wel come for write your veiws It will never mind by any one.

Your veiws r good.. You given solution that is accepted by every one and helpful.

Thanks for your kind veiws keep posting.

Akarsh Agrawal (SENIOR ARTICLE) (84 Points)
Replied 22 March 2013

Agreed with your Post Bhargav Sir ...But i want to add Something..as we should always make an eye Contact with the Audiance sitting in front of us before the Speech, by this our  frighten or fear  will go down to great extent.I learn this things in ART OF LIVING.

In schooling I always scared for Presenting Quotations after assembly in front of many Students.But this Fear is Gone not 100% but to a great extent.

Thankyou All,

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Komal Thakur (CA Final) (925 Points)
Replied 22 March 2013

Originally posted by : Bhargav Nathwani
hi komal

Thanks for your veiws on this post ! I want to add one more thing in your talk so it is compalet , one must know something special and in detail knowledge of the topic which is taken by him.. If any one asking and if you dont know then your confidence level gone down.. so It will also effect to whole topic where you are master bt lake of confidence you cant speak out with that must effective..so gain max knowdlege of the topic..

yup true... without proper knowledge of the topic one cant be confident....

I was talkin about speach that we have already prepared....

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RAJARSHI (CA-Finalist Entrepreneur )   (574 Points)
Replied 23 March 2013

very nice sharing ..just awesome ....smiley

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Go green (ICAI) (666 Points)
Replied 23 March 2013

thank u

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very useful tips..........

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very useful tips..... thread bookmarked........

Ganeshbabu K (Audit and Tax Advisory) (48559 Points)
Replied 24 March 2013




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CA Bhargav Nathwani (CA in Practice) (8307 Points)
Replied 24 March 2013

Originally posted by : Komal Sharma

after a long time u have shared something Bhargav Sir anyways.........

as usual nice one...........

My first experience when I have to gave speech was the worst experience actually that was first time when I have to speak in front of the students of many schools and I'm totally frightened by seeing the huge crowd......

but that was first n last time when I'm frightened by speaking in front of many people.......

n after that I have lots of confidence in me......

the other experiences of presentations, speeches are just memorable ones.....

I just want to say that shivering of body, forgetting the speech is not a big thing, it's common normally happens with most of the people......

but as per my experiences once u have developed confidence in urself, ones u have spoken infront of people......

the all fear, shiver everything has gone....

just keep in mind that whatever u are going to deliver is correct and people will get something from it......

Thanx for the sharing Sir.........

Thank you for sharing your experiance !

Its wonderful and one can get motivation form your real Example..

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Kumar A. Ranjan (Student) (1588 Points)
Replied 10 April 2013

Improve your Brain power ...read this attached file..


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