What are you telling yourself that's holding you back? What
Are you telling yourself that's preventing you from being
What are you telling yourself that gives you permission to
Be less than your very best? What are you telling yourself
That gives you an excuse for not taking action.
Every moment of every day you're interpreting the world for
Yourself, telling yourself what it means and what to do
About it. Each time you tell yourself something, you have an
Opportunity to make a lasting impact on your life.
So tell yourself yes. Remind yourself why you have chosen to
Step forward and give yourself permission to do so.
Tell yourself that you can choose a life of joy and
Fulfillment right now... Tell yourself that you're fully
Capable of whatever you decide to achieve.
Take the opportunity to tell yourself, again and again, how
Truly outstanding your life can be. And then thank yourself
For the great advice as you enthusiastically bring it to
thanks & regards,