Share Valuation Certificate for FC GPR

Page no : 2

meetul shah (Employee) (26 Points)
Replied 26 February 2015

Can you Suggest me what to do on these Query

Dear Sir,
Please refer to the FCGPR submitted by you for issue of shares on   13/12/14
In this connection it is observed that the first issue of shares to non resident is on RIGHTS basis.You are requested to clarify the same.

You are also requested to submit CS compliance certificate to Reg.6 of FEMA 20 for issue of shares on rights basis.

Dipjyoti Majumdar (CA in service & CS. dipmaj@ rediffmail.com )   (3468 Points)
Replied 09 March 2015

Any responses Friends.


Vicky Arora (Student CA Final ) (4 Points)
Replied 17 April 2017

Dear Sir

Is it necessary to compute the value of Equity Share based on DCF Method ?

As the Para 2, Annexure -3, Chapter 3.3 of Consolidated FDI Policy, 2016 states Issue Price to be computed by Chartered Accountant based On ANY INTERNATIONALLY ACCEPTED PRICING METHODOLOGIES ON ARM'S LENGTH BASIS.

Looking forward for prompt reply

Vicky Arora (Student CA Final ) (4 Points)
Replied 17 April 2017

Yes it will be accepted by RBI

Replied 20 April 2022

Sir ,

The company issued further allotment of equity shares to foreign investor at face after 25 days of incorporation.what is the format of  Ca valuation certificate since there is no plbs to compute under DCF method? Kindly share the format for this .

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