Serving Society through IT. - BUSYWIN

Page no : 3

Exshail (Software) (1581 Points)
Replied 22 February 2010

Busy 3.6 E

Busy Enterprise Edition Launched. Free download from



Major Changes
  1. Introduction of “Enterprise Edition”.
  2. “Voucher / Master Approval” implemented:
    • Configuration through Administration => Configuration => Features/Options.
    • Approval requirement can be configured at Voucher Series / Master Level.
    • Users can be tagged to Voucher Series / Master who can approve that Voucher Series / Master.
    • Utility to approve Vouchers / Masters.
    • In Check-list, new report provided for Entries to be Approved / Entries Approved.
    • Approval status would be shown in Data Check List report.
    • In Day Book / Registers, provision made to include unapproved entries also.
  3. Changes in Interface
    • Fully User-definable Colour Schemes.
    • New menu structures with persistent menus.
    • Option to create Favourite Menu.
    • Option to define your own shortcuts.
    • Sidebar shortcut keys can be invoked with mouse.
    • Option to minimise BUSY.
    • Option to Lock BUSY using Alt/Ctrl+K
  4. “Message Centre” implemented. Now, Users of a company can send / receive internal mails in BUSY itself.
  5. In Rajasthan VAT, provision made for Composition Dealers also. It can be chosen in Features/Options => Sales Tax/VAT section.
  6. Thought of the Day provided at the time of company login. Can be enabled / disabled through Features/Options => General.
  7. Provision made to add User Count in dongle in Client-Server model. Now, this dongle can be put on Server to manage concurrent connections.
  8. In Configurable Invoice formats, provision made to create columns as per the parameter values (34, 36, 38 or Red, Blue, Black etc.). For this purpose, following fields have been provided in Invoice body:
    For example, to create columns for qty of size 34, 36, 38 & 40 we need to specify 
    <PARAM_SUM_QTY, @ 34,2.0,R>
    <PARAM_SUM_QTY, @ 34,2.0,R>
    <PARAM_SUM_QTY, @ 34,2.0,R>
    <PARAM_SUM_QTY, @ 34,2.0,R> in invoice body.
  9. In Parameterized Stock, provision made to use the value of parameter as a multiplier for Alt. Unit Conversion Factor.
  10. Service Tax feature would be available in Basic Edition also.
  11. Advanced Document Configuration would be available in LS also.

New Reports
  1. Orissa Form 201 reframed as per new specifications.
  2. Changes in UP Form 24-A (Return for Composition Dealers) for VAT surcharge.
  3. Rajasthan Form VAT 11 for Composition Dealers.
  4. Kerala VAT e-Return.
  5. Maharashtra VAT Annexure-A.
  6. Maharashtra VAT e-Return.
  7. Balance Sheet in vertical format on screen also with option to show / print Account Level Details also.
  8. Consolidated Summary for Item / Account Group provided.
  9. In Sales / Purchase Analysis, a new report showing Monthly / Quarterly details for Item / Account / Item Group / Account Group added with provision to compare the results with previous year’s figures.

Minor Changes
  1. Warning for Overdue Bills was not working in case of Sales against Challan. Now it will work for Sales against Challan also.
  2. Provision for Multi-Currency in Sales / Purchase Challan also.
  3. In Batch-wise Items Issuable / Receivable report on screen, provision made to show batch-wise details for All / Group of Items in a single report (as in printing). Till now, for All / Group of Items, only summary was available and detailed report was available for one Item only.
  4. In Batch reference details, provision made to get details for a single batch for All Items / All Material Centres. Till now the batch details were available for a specific Item / Material Centre only.
  5. In Items details printing in reports, a few more fields provided in configuration (Item MRP, List Price, Discount etc.)
  6. Default C-Form Sale/Purchase Type was being created with 3% tax rate. Now it will be created with 2% tax rate.
  7. In Batch-wise reports, till now the reports could be seen in any one of the units (Main or Alt.). Now provision made to show reports in both units also.
  8. In Inventory registers, provision made to show Item-wise Batch / Serial No / Parameter details also.
  9. New fields added in Invoice Body configuration <COMPOUND_DISCOUNT1>, <COMPOUND_DISCOUNT2> & <COMPUND_DISCOUNT3>.
  10. New field added to Invoice header <GR/RR_DATE>.
  11. While switching to Next FY, the default option to carry balances to next year was being set to ‘Y’. Now it will be set to ‘N’.
  12. In Backup window, after taking the backup the screen was getting unloaded. Now User would be prompted either to quit or to continue for another copy of backup.
  13. Option to choose model provided in Company Menu. Now user can choose the edition and database mode to run BUSY.
  14. Provision made to specify multiple aliases for a single item (can be configured through POS configuration in Features/Options).
  15. Provision for VAT surcharge in VAT composition scheme also.
  16. Maharashtra VAT Form 231 revamped.
  17. Multiple Items Trading Excise standard invoice format changed. Now box and horizontal lines would also be printed.
  18. If Nepali date is enabled, provision made to specify Mfg / Expiry date of batches in Roman format only.
  19. Currently logged in User would be shown in the bottom part of main form.
  20. In Multi-tax vouchers, VAT on MRP, VAT was not being calculated on Free Qty. Now it has been made optional. Now, while enabling Free Qty. feature, User can specify whether VAT is to be calculated on Free qty. (in case of VAT on MRP) or not.
  21. In VAT Journal, provision made to input VAT surcharge amount also.
  22. Original Sales / Purchase details windows was not available in POS data entry mode. Now it will be available.
  23. In Global query, provision made to search Purchase Bill No. & Purchase Bill Date fields also.
  24. Provision made to specify State-specific Address Details, VAT Registration Details and Excise Registration Details in company. Now depending upon the State of a User, the relevant details would be loaded.
  25. In Standard Invoice configuration, provision made to print party excise details also.
  26. In Items Consolidated Summary report, provision made to show separate columns for Sales & Purchase instead of clubbing them in Qty. In & Qty. Out columns.
  27. Till now, Sales Tax Surcharge was applicable for Local transactions only. Now provision made to track central transactions also. Can be configured in Surcharge configuration.
  28. Item-wise Gross Profit report was being generated for complete Item movement (including Stock Transfer & Material Issue also). Now provision made to generate report either for complete movement or for sales voucher only.
  29. While filling the Installation details of Items (Serial no. specific), the Country, State & City could be picked up only from the pre-defined databases. Now, a User can add new entries to the pre-defined databases, and also modify the existing entries.
  30. In Item-wise Serial No. module, option provided to specify the Serial No. mode as Continuous or Discreet (in case of Qty. out only), to facilitate faster data entry.
  31. Provision made to specify an IMAGE for every Serial No. of an Item.
  32. Changes in e-TDS as per the new format.
  33. Document printing configuration (Standard & Advanced), a new option Print Zero Amount Bill Sundries added. If set to ‘N’ then the zero amount bill sundries in a voucher will not be printed in document.
  34. In Voucher Configuration, provision made to specify default date as either System Date or Last Voucher Date. Till now, the Last Voucher Date was being picked.
  35. Provision made for Sale-in-Transit. Now, a User can specify Sale-in-Transit in Sale / Purchase Type masters. On the basis of it, the value would be reflected in VAT Returns / Registers. Also, a new report Sale-in-Transit Register provided in Sales Tax / VAT reports.
  36. Provision made for not picking default prices during Sale / Purchase Challan. Provided as sub-configuration while enabling challan feature.
  37. Fields related to Bill Sundry Alias & Print Name (BS1_ALIAS, BS1_PRINT_NAME, BS1_NARRATION etc.) added in Invoice Header / Footer section.
  38. License agreement added in Help menu.
  39. Provision made to display Master / Voucher Creation / Modification time & User details. It can be enabled through Features / Options => General section.
  40. In Delhi Form-ST 2A, option to generate report for Values of Forms has been removed. Now, the only available option is to generate report periodically.
  41. In Tax computation report for composition dealers, surcharge on VAT was not being calculated (if the same was enabled). Now surcharge will also be calculated.
  42. New fields, <PARTY_SETTLEMENT_ACC> & <PARTY_SETTLEMENT_AMT>, added in Invoice configuration.
  43. In Invoice configuration, provision made to print Footer on Last Page only for multi-page invoices. Available in Page Settings section in Advanced Document Configuration.
  44. In Settlement configuration, till now the settlement accounts could not be changed if any transaction existed for the same. Now User can change the settlement account at any point of time.
  45. VAT & Accounts reconciliation report for Purchase, provision made to include CST in purchase amount. Till now, CST was being shown separately in VAT section thereby showing difference in VAT & Accounts report.
  46. Sale / Purchase Type master, for multi-tax transactions, provision made to adjust tax in sales / purchase account only. Till now it was mandatory to specify the tax account, creating problem in Retail Purchases where the tax needs to be adjusted in purchase account only.
  47. In Punjab Form 24, provision made to include Capital Purchases also.
  48. New fields, <PARTY_CONTACT_PERSON> & <PARTY_MOBILE_NO>, added in Order Header configuration.
  49. In Account Master Configuration, a few more fields added for configuration in drop-down list (Address1 to 4, Tel No etc.).
  50. New menu Check List & Production Reports provided, with slight reshuffling of existing reports (Some of the reports shifted to these two menus).
  51. Provision made for two Drug License Nos. Till now, only one DL No. was being asked.
  52. In Educational copy, till now data for first 3 days of any month was being accepted. Now, data for first 2 days and last 1 day of every month would be accepted.
  53. In case of Parameterized stock, the parameter-wise price during data entry was applicable for Main Unit only. Now, the price would be applicable on Alt. Unit if the same has been specified in Item Master.
  54. For sending same SMS to multiple parties (Bulk SMS), provision made to send individual SMS to all parties instead of Bulk SMS as a few APIs do not support bulk SMS feature. The same can be configured in SMS configuration.
  55. In Columnar Account Register configuration, choosing any item as column, while printing the register, the unit of item was being shown as Main Unit or Alt. Unit depending upon the configuration. Now the actual unit of item would be shown.
  56. In Columnar Account Register, the price of Item was always being shown for Main Unit even if Main Qty. was not configured. Now, if Main Qty. is not configured then the price for Alt. Unit would be shown.
  57. In the process of import / export of Accounting Vouchers through Excel, new fields - <ACCOUNT_DEBIT>, <ACCOUNT_CREDIT>, <SHORTNAR_DEBIT> & <SHORTNAR_CREDIT> - provided to enable single line voucher import / export where both Debit Account & Credit Account can be specified in a single line.
  58. For specifying Sales / Purchase account in Sale / Purchase Type or Item Master, only the accounts under group Sales / Purchase were available. Now all types of accounts (under any group) would be available.
  59. In Service Tax reports, provision made to generate reports for all Service Categories or a single Service Category. Till now, reports were being generated for all Service Categories.
  60. Changes in Delhi DVAT-16 for new VAT rate 5%.
  61. In Sales / Purchase analysis, option to generate report on the basis of Bill Amount or Cost of Goods was being asked. Now it won’t be asked and the report will be generated on the basis of Cost of Goods only.
  62. Changes in POS module
    • Till now, bill sundries were getting frozen without any option to change the same during data entry. Now field type provided for bill sundry name also (Fixed, Variable & Semi-variable)
    • If POS voucher is opened in modify mode then all bill sundries are editable ir-respective of their configuration.
    • Option Save Zero Amount Bill Sundry removed. Now zero amount bill sundry will always be saved.
    • When POS voucher opened in modify mode, the previously saved Bill Sundries would be shown instead of the current configuration.
    • Till now, Bill Sundry specified in POS configuration and used in any POS voucher could not be changed later on in configuration. Now it can be changed.
    • Date Type field provided to specify default date type, either as System Date or Last Voucher Date. Till now, only System Date was being shown.

Bugs Removed
  1. While viewing Ledger or any other report, on pressing <Alt+F8> (Hot key for creating new sales voucher), instead of creating new sales voucher, the current entry in report was getting deleted (<F8> is used to delete the current entry). Now problem rectified.
  2. While printing Receipt / Payment Advice in Standard format, Party Name was being printed instead of Party Print Name. Now problem rectified.
  3. In Pending Orders Report, on pressing <Enter> on Pending Orders, an error was being generated. Now problem rectified.
  4. If Sales Tax Reporting was disabled then the vouchers were not being imported from Excel. Now problem rectified.
  5. Minor corrections in Rajasthan VAT e-Return, VAT Form 10A, VAT 12, VAT 11, Form 1, Bihar RT-1, RT-III, Haryana LS2, LP3, LS4, Punjab VAT 18,VAT19,VAT24, UP Form-1, annexure A/B, UP Entry Tax Return & Form C, Karnataka VAT e-Return, Gujarat Form 201 & e-Return, Assam VAT-13, Kerala Form-8, Uttranchal Form III.
  6. In POS voucher modification, sometimes the item-wise tax rates were getting changed if items were sorted alphabetically. Now problem rectified.
  7. VAT payment voucher modification, if the Period Ending date was being changed then the same was not getting reflected. Now problem rectified.
  8. In Columnar Sales Register, <PARTY_PREV_BALANCE> field was not working. Now problem rectified.
  9. In Sales voucher, if the party credit limit was exceeding then the invoice was not being raised even with Cash Settlement also. Now problem rectified.
  10. If the SQL query was executed several times, an error Overflow was being generated. Now problem rectified.
  11. In UP Entry Tax report, Items having 0% entry tax were also being shown. Now problem rectified.
  12. In Standard document printing, Item MRP field was not being printed properly. Now problem rectified.
  13. Sending e-Mail from screen reports through Outlook, the mail was not being sent properly. Now problem rectified.
  14. In Document printing, alignment specified with <COMPOUND_DISCOUNT> field was not working properly, and the field was always getting printed left aligned. Now problem rectified.
  15. In the Balance Sheet was printed with schedules from Screen report, the format of Capital Account Schedule was getting disturbed. Now problem rectified.
  16. In Invoice configuration, if the fields <AMOUNT_IN_WORDS_LINE1> & <AMOUNT_IN_WORDS_LINE2> were used with 0 characters, an error was being generated while printing the invoice. Now problem rectified.
  17. In POS data entry screen, if the Items were being read from bar-codes, pressing <F4> on Item column was not invoking the list of items (it should be as per the specification). Now problem rectified.
  18. Item price, if picked from the item batch, was always being picked for Main Unit of items, creating problem in case of transactions in alternate unit of items. Now, price will be converted as per the unit specified.
  19. Settlement account specified for Cheque Settlement mode was not being saved and the amount was being posted to Cash Settlement mode only. Now problem rectified.
  20. Sales/Purchase voucher with negative quantity, surcharge amount was not being calculated properly. Now problem rectified.
  21. In Sales / Purchase voucher with Item-wise discount enabled, if the Item details picked from Order or Challan, only the nett price was being picked, and the List Price & Discount were being ignored. Now the List Price, Discount & Nett price, all will be picked properly.
  22. While generating Interest Calculation report, if <F2> key was pressed at report option without specifying the Interest Calculation mode, an error was being generated. Now problem rectified.
  23. In UP VAT Annexures A & B, option to print Alias / Print Name instead of Party Name was not working. Now problem rectified.
  24. In Excise reports, if entry serial no. exceeded 9999 then **** were being printed. Now problem rectified.
  25. In Report Printing with Item details, Bill Sundry Narration was not being printed even if the same was configured in Item Details Printing Configuration. Now problem rectified.
  26. In Multi-tax invoice, Tax on MRP, VAT on surcharge was not being calculated properly. Now problem rectified.
  27. MRP-wise stock maintenance, MRP-wise stock available was not being shown correctly if any negative qty. was used in voucher. Now problem rectified.
  28. User-configured Items / Accounts Label formats were not available for printing in LS (only Standard format was available). Now problem rectified.
  29. Batch-No.-related fields were not being reflected properly in Columnar Inventory registers. Now problem rectified.
  30. If any Masters Control on Accounts was applied to a User, then the Stock Status and other reports, having no connection with accounts, were also getting restricted. Now problem rectified.
  31. If Item-wise discount basis was Absolute Amount, then the value of same was not being reflected in Standard Invoice printing. Now problem rectified.
  32. In Multi-company results => Account Ledger, Short Narration was not being printed. Now problem rectified.
  33. In Sales / Purchase against challan, Brokerage Calculation Report was not showing any brokerage. Now problem rectified.
  34. In Brokerage Calculation Report, sales return amount was being reflected as sales amount, thus creating confusion. Now problem rectified.
  35. Bill Sundry Master, if the posting of accounts configuration was changed, then the effect of the same was being reflected in voucher after Rewrite Books, but the effect was not being reflected in Batch / Order / Challan references. Now problem rectified.
  36. <TRADING_EXCISABLE_AMOUNT> field in invoice was showing the value of first Item in the Invoice instead of total of all Items in Invoice. Now problem rectified.
  37. While importing data in XML, Sales / Purchase types were always being imported as Local even if the same were exported as Central. Now problem rectified.
  38. If Nepali Date was selected, while exporting any screen report, the Date fields were getting exported blank. Now problem rectified.
  39. If the printing of Accounting Vouchers was enabled in voucher configuration, the No. of Copies specified here was not being picked at the time of printing. Now problem rectified.
  40. POS Settlement details configuration => option ‘Post Settlement Details Separately’ was not being applied during Rewrite Books. Now problem rectified.
  41. In Multi-Tax transactions, with option to adjust Tax amount in Sales / Purchase amount, the tax amount was not being reflected in Stock Status and other inventory reports. Now problem rectified.
  42. During Data Export/Import in XML mode, sometimes the Challan feature was getting disabled from the target company. Now problem rectified.


BDS Sandher (_) (38 Points)
Replied 28 May 2010

How to post voucher for getting vat input on capital goods for the state of punjab

hi i am using demo copy of Busywin 36 e-15 can you tell me how to post the voucher for for getting vat input on capital goods in VAT-15,VAT-24.

for more clarification VAT-15 contains the whole detail of purchases and sales with in a quarter.

and VAT-24 contains the supplier wise detail of purchases with in state.

one more query is that Busywin not showing the Part B of VAT-20 (annual return of Punjab Value Added Act) please tell me how can i enable Part B for VAT-20.

for more clarification you can download  the softcopy of VAT-15,VAT-24 and VAT-20 from


With regards


Exshail (Software) (1581 Points)
Replied 01 June 2010

Hi Devendra,

You have to add separate purchase voucher type for capital purchase. Goto Admin>Master>Purchase Type>Add >Captial Purchase

Set this option to 'Y' if the Purchase Type is for capital purchases. This option is helpful as Input Tax Credit (ITC) can be claimed on Capital Purchases such as machinery and so on. By specifying 'Y' in this data field, related transactions will be displayed in the ITC column in appropriate reports thus making it easier to claim ITC. 

I downloaded & see that Part B of VAT-20 (annual return of Punjab Value Added Act) is for F.Y. 2005-2006 and it is a certificate by CA so might be Busy Team haven't included.

You may email feedback @ to request to include part B of vat-20.






Originally posted by : Davinder
How to post voucher for getting vat input on capital goods for the state of punjab
hi i am using demo copy of Busywin 36 e-15 can you tell me how to post the voucher for for getting vat input on capital goods in VAT-15,VAT-24.
for more clarification VAT-15 contains the whole detail of purchases and sales with in a quarter.
and VAT-24 contains the supplier wise detail of purchases with in state.
one more query is that Busywin not showing the Part B of VAT-20 (annual return of Punjab Value Added Act) please tell me how can i enable Part B for VAT-20.
for more clarification you can download  the softcopy of VAT-15,VAT-24 and VAT-20 from
With regards

dunk (Uni) (22 Points)
Replied 10 June 2010

Great info on here guys, have one quick question though. Personally which printer would you say is better for the quality and speed of barcode label printing? I am looking in to starting up myself and need advising.

Many Thanks

Exshail (Software) (1581 Points)
Replied 28 September 2010

Originally posted by : dunk

Great info on here guys, have one quick question though. Personally which printer would you say is better for the quality and speed of barcode label printing? I am looking in to starting up myself and need advising.

Many Thanks

I suggest you to contact feedback @ as they might have users feedback about your queries.

Exshail (Software) (1581 Points)
Replied 28 September 2010

Busy goes portable.

You can download Busy Portable Edition from here.


Exshail (Software) (1581 Points)
Replied 28 September 2010

Busy 3.6 F-3 Busy Enterprise Edition Launched. To download visit here

Major Changes

 1.      Changes in Client Server licensing policy; now for one count, up to three instances of Busy would be allowed on a single computer. Different scenarios in client server environment are described below:

          * Multiple count dongle on server and clients connecting to server independently; till now multiple instances of Busy on a single client computer were consuming multiple counts (each instance would consume individual count). Now for each client computer, up to three instances of Busy would consume a single count and afterwards each instance would consume one extra count.
          * Single count dongle on individual client computer; till now unlimited instances of Busy could be run on each client computer. Now up to three instances of Busy would be allowed to run with single count dongle and from 4 th instance onward the program will start in demo mode.

Statutory Changes

   1.      Orissa Form 201 reframed as per new specifications.
   2.      Changes in UP Form 24-A (Return for Composition Dealers) for VAT surcharge.
   3.      Rajasthan Form VAT 11 for Composition Dealers.
   4.      Kerala VAT e-Return.
   5.      Maharashtra VAT Annexure-A.
   6.      Maharashtra VAT e-Return.
   7.      Balance Sheet in vertical format on screen also with option to show / print Account Level Details also.
   8.      Consolidated Summary for Item / Account Group provided.
   9.      In Sales / Purchase Analysis, a new report showing Monthly / Quarterly details for Item / Account / Item Group / Account Group added with provision to compare the results with previous year’s figures.

Minor Changes

   1. While enabling Settlement Details in Dual vouchers, the user could choose from Cash/Bank/Party accounts as settlement accounts. Now it has been made open and user can choose any account as settlement account.

Bugs Removed

   1.      Invoice printing on DMP, sometimes some junk characters were being printed on invoice. Now problem rectified.
   2.      Access 2 SQL was not working with Nepali Date. Now problem rectified.
   3.      During voucher feeding, after saving a voucher the default voucher date was getting reset to Beginning FY. Now problem rectified.
   4.      Voucher Approval enabled with option to Post Unapproved Vouchers set to ‘Y’; after Rewriting Books the account balances of a few accounts were getting disturbed. Now problem rectified.

Exshail (Software) (1581 Points)
Replied 29 September 2010

Coming soon new version Busy 3.9 Busy Enterprise Edition will be launched and it is likely  that this version shall be better than Tally for SME.


narender (account executive) (25 Points)
Replied 10 December 2010

if any one have shortcut keys of busywin3.6 software please mail me on urgent  base becasue on 10th 3pm my exam plsssss mail me all short  cut keys of busy software and its


narender.account @

Exshail (Software) (1581 Points)
Replied 22 December 2010

Originally posted by : narender

if any one have shortcut keys of busywin3.6 software please mail me on urgent  base becasue on 10th 3pm my exam plsssss mail me all short  cut keys of busy software and its


narender.account @

from help menu you can find all shortcut keys.

Exshail (Software) (1581 Points)
Replied 22 December 2010

What is new in Busy 3.9.
Follow BUSY on facebook from below link.
The flagship product of Busy Infotech is BUSY – An Integrated Business Accounting Software covering Financial Accounting (Multi-Currency), Multi-location Inventory, Order Processing, User-configurable Invoicing & other Documents, Statutory Reports (Sales Tax, VAT, Excise, Service Tax, TDS etc.) and MIS. It is one of the leading accounting softwares in India with over 1,00,000 installations (over 0.5 million Users) in India and abroad.
BUSY is being sold and supported all over India through a network of over 200 Channel Partners, besides its own offices in Delhi, Mumbai & Kolkata. Outside India, BUSY is being marketed in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Oman, Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya & Tanzania.
New in Busy 3.9


  1. Concept of Multi-Branch introduced.  Can be enabled from Features/OptionsàEnterprise Features option.  Required when a single company has multiple branches and data need to be saved online or merged offline in a single company from multiple branches.  Branch features can be used to provide following functionality:


a)       To provide state-wise different tax rates for a single item.

b)       To provide Branch-wise different prices for a single item.

c)       To provide checks & controls for different users working online from different branches in a single company.

d)       To filter various reports branch-wise.


  1. Tax category master introduced.  Till now, the tax rates applicable to an item were being defined in individual items.  Now tax rates would be defined in Tax Category master and Tax Category would be tagged in item master.  Advantages of Tax Category master are as below:


a)       In case of Tax Rate change, we only need to specify the changes in Tax Category master.  Till now tax rates need to be changed in all items individually.

b)       Problems arising out of Tax Rate changes during the year will be handled easily.

c)       Separate tax rates can be specified Branch wise for same item.


  1. Master Series Group introduced.  Required to filter masters available to a user.  To be used as described below:


a)       Enable from Feature/OptionsàEnterprise Features.

b)       Create different Master Series Groups from Master Maintenance.

c)       While creating masters (Accounts, Groups, Items etc.), tag each master with a single or multiple Master Series Groups.

d)       Assign Master Series Group with user.  This will filter the masters available to a user during data entry and reports.


  1. Changes in brokerage module:


a)       Option to specify Broker at item level.  Till now broker at voucher level was available.

b)       Default broker and brokerage can be specified either at Item level or Party level.

c)       Option to freeze Broker / Brokerage with Party or Item.

d)       Option to automatically post brokerage voucher-wise.



See more details in attached files.


Attached File : 36 new in busy 3 9.pdf downloaded: 322 times

Exshail (Software) (1581 Points)
Replied 28 December 2010

Request all Busywin users to sent email to feedback @ to integrate BUSYPAY (Payroll Software) in Busy Accounting Software.

Exshail (Software) (1581 Points)
Replied 15 January 2011

Click here to download new Busy 3.9. It has a good Branch Management features.

Athulya (Student) (50 Points)
Replied 23 January 2011

Hi guys..

i was trying to install the latest version Busy 3.9a7. please help on how to install the server information details. 

Exshail (Software) (1581 Points)
Replied 25 January 2011

You need to set server information only if you have sql & set database type as MS Sql insted of MS Access from the Select Busy Model Dialog. For Demo purpose you may set MS acces as Daatabase Type and see the lovely feature of BUSY.

BTW here is info from its help file and for more details see attached file.


Set Server Information

This option appears in Company menu, if you are running BUSY in Client-Server mode. While running BUSY in Client-Server mode, instead of Set Data Directory, Set Server Information option appears. With the Set Server Information option, you can set server information either manually or can generate a security file from where the server information can be read. On clicking the Set Server Information option under Company menu, a Server Information window appears. Given here is a screenshot of Server Information window.

Set Server Information window

set server information


In the Server Information window, there are two options. The options are:

  • Set Server Information Manually
  • Read Server Information from Security File

Set Server Information Manually

Select this option, if you want to specify server information manually. On selecting this option, a Set Server Information Manually group gets activated. In the group there are various data fields and one option. The data fields and option are:

  • Database
  • Server Name
  • User ID
  • Password
  • Generate Security File


Specify the database name in this data field. (Fixed as MSSQL for the time being).

Server Name

Specify the Server name in this data field as specified at the time of registering a new Server.

User ID

Specify a valid MSSQL server User ID in this data field. Default MSSQL user name is Sa.


Specify password that you have specified for the user name at the time of registering for a new server.

Generate Security File

Select this option if you want to generate a security file. Security file is generated to hide server details from the clients. The benefit of generating security file is that you do not have to give server details to the clients. Instead you just have to give the path of the security file to the clients and they can then be able to work on the server. On selecting this option, a group gets activated. The group is:

Generate Security File for User Name

In this group two data fields, one button and one option appears. The data field, button and option are:

  • Company Code
  • Security File Name
  • Generate File
  • Required Password on File

Company Codes

Specify the code of the companies to which the user will have access. Companies code must be separated by semicolons (;). For example, you want that user can access only three companies Comp001, Comp002 and Comp003. In such a case, you have to specify Comp001;Comp002;Comp003 in this data field.

Security File Name

Specify the path and the name for the security file. You can also select the path by using the Browse button.

Generate File

Click this button to generate the security file.

Required Password on File

Select this option if you want to make the file password protected. Benefit of giving password is that only those clients to whom you have disclosed the password will be able to connect to the server. If you select this option then a Security File Password window appears. Given here is a screenshot of Security File Password window.

Security File Password window
  • Specify the password for the file in the Password data field.

Read Server Information from Security File

Select this option if you want to read server details from the security file. This option is more useful for the clients. To use this option it is necessary that you have already created a Security file. In this option, you have to specify the name of the security file from which the information is to be read. After providing a valid security file name, you will be able to connect to the server. On selecting this option, a Read Server Information from Security File group gets activated. In the group there is one data field. The data field is:

Security File Name

Specify the path for the required security file or you can select the path by clicking the Browse button. If you select a file on which password has been provided then you have to give the password for the file and only then you can connect to the server.

Above information is Valid for Current Session Only

Select this checkbox if you want that the Server information provided in the Server Information window will be saved only till the BUSY is opened. Once you close the BUSY and again open it then the default Server information will appear. On the other hand, if you do not select this checkbox then the information specified in the Server Information window will get saved and next time when you open BUSY then the saved information will be displayed in the Server Information window.

After entering the necessary details, click the Save button to save the Server information.

Attached File : 42 client server model in busy.doc downloaded: 218 times
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