Residential status for fy 2010-2011

Rohan (employee) (45 Points)

11 August 2011  

what will be the residential status of this person…for filling of return for fy 2010 – 2011 ??


a person is resident in India  for    F.y  :- 2002 – 2003  to  F.y :- 2008 – 2009 .


For F.Y : - 2009 – 2010  was in India

( from 1st april’09 to 16th june ’09  & then from 1st jan’2010 to 18th jan 2010 )

ie. 95 days in all for fy 2009 – 2010.


For F.Y. :- 2010 – 2011 was in India  from 1st july 2010 to 15th july 2010

ie. 15 days in all for fy 2010 – 2011…


what is the status of the person for fy 2010 – 2011 ?? 


Non-resident Indian or

Not ordinarily resident in India  ??


thank u .