Putting your mind and heart to rest is key to relaxing one’s

GOPINATH.V.J (CA FINAL) (131 Points)

27 May 2009  

Putting your mind and heart to rest is key to relaxing one’s innermost self

Total relaxation is the ultimate. You cannot be totally relaxed right now. At the innermost core a tension will persist but start relaxing.
Start from the circumference — that’s where we are, and we can start only from where we are.
Relax the circumference of your being - relax your body, relax your behaviour, relax your acts.
Walk in a relaxed way, eat in a relaxed way, talk, listen in a relaxed way. Slow down every process.
Don’t be in a hurry and don’t be in haste. Move as if all eternity is available to you.
Tension means hurry, fear, doubt
Tension means a constant effort to protect, to be secure, to be safe. Tension means preparing for the tomorrow now, or for the afterlife — afraid tomorrow you will not be able to face the reality, so be prepared. Tension means the past that you have not lived really but only somehow bypassed; it hangs, it is a hangover, it surrounds you.
Remember one very fundamental thing about life: any experience that has not been lived will hang around you, will persist: “Live me! Complete me!” Once completed, it evaporates.

Your whole past hangs
around you
Because nothing has been lived really, everything somehow bypassed, partially lived, only so-so, in a lukewarm way. There has been no intensity, no passion. You have been moving like a somnambulist, a sleepwalker. So that past hangs, and the future creates fear. And between the past and
the future is crushed your present, the only reality.
You will have to relax
from the circumference.
The first step in relaxing is the body.

Tell your mind to relax
If you become capable of relaxing the body voluntarily, then you will be able to help your mind relax voluntarily. Mind is a more complex phenomenon. Once you have become confident that the body listens to you, you will have a new trust in yourself. Now even the mind can listen to you. It will take a little longer with the mind, but it happens.

Now relax your heart
When the mind is relaxed, then start relaxing your heart, the world of your feelings, emotions - which is even more complex,
more subtle. But now you will be moving with trust, with great trust in yourself. Now you will know it is possible. If it is possible with the body and possible with the mind, it is possible with the heart too.
And then only, when you have gone through these three steps, can you take the fourth. Now you can go to the innermost core of your being, which is beyond body, mind, heart: the very centre of your existence.
And you will be able to relax it too.

Courtesy Osho International Foundation/www.osho.com