Personality Development Tips..

Lakshmi (Student) (1836 Points)

02 July 2011  

Talking to others is something that no one escape and often times, it is your way and style of talking that decides whether you are successful or not. Effective communication is at the core of talking to people in a better way. If we talk about personality development tips, talking better has got to be at the top of them. Good communication skills are extremely important whether you are talking to your teacher, your girlfriend or your boss. Those who have the skill of persuasion are able to convince others about whatever they are talking. A large majority of books containing personality development tips, lay emphasis on talking skills.

If you spare some time and look up at a list of successful people, you will find that a vast majority of them were glib talkers. In fact, the ability to talk in a manner so as to impress others is a basic prerequisite to be a leader in any profession. Among the personality development tips pertaining to talking, the most important is to be a good listener. People appreciate your point of view if you listen to them and respond positively without being too critical. We greatly admire those who seem to talk effortlessly but we forget that they are making the most of some important personality development tips.

Here are some important personality development tips that if used efficiently will make you a good talker –

• Be properly dressed to have self confidence- To overcome your feelings of inferiority

• Keep up to date on current topics- Knowledge is essential to converse

• Be precise and concise- Unnecessary talking is disliked

• Be polite- Courtesy never fails to pay

• Maintain eye contact- This tells others that you are confident and ready to engage

• Empathize- Identify with others to have them interested in you

• Have a positive attitude- People tend to avoid others who have a negative attitude about things.

These personality development tips are always to be kept in mind while in the company of others.

Talking means connecting with others and personality development tips are effective tools to help build rapport with people in general. Talking is done to express yourself and to convey your meaning. When you make use of personality development tips, you are better able to communicate with others to achieve success in life, both at personal as well as professional levels.

