Hi Every1
If you have the power to chage one thing in our C.A cousre what would be it??? Coz nothing is perfect...
Plz mention a reason for ur comments.....
Vineet Jain (Partner) (242 Points)
08 July 2008Hi Every1
If you have the power to chage one thing in our C.A cousre what would be it??? Coz nothing is perfect...
Plz mention a reason for ur comments.....
Vineet Jain
(242 Points)
Replied 08 July 2008
Helloz People.......
According to me the time period of articleship should be reduced...coz 3 years is a very long period... I know our feild is very vast n there is many things to learn...but most of the learnings r situational which we can even learn while working as C.A... so i think the time of training shld be reduced to 1yr 6months..... 3yrs r more than enough.....
wat say guys???
(241 Points)
Replied 08 July 2008
CA institute is unable to reduce articlship period to 1 year or 6 month
beacuse norms for articleship period are same throughout globally .as they decide by the world assocation of ca
so forget all about the articlship duration
but some change required in the procedure of artilship
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