CA Ayush Agarwal (Kolkata-Pune-Mumbai) (27186 Points)

14 July 2010  


Here are my list of the 10 Ways to Win a Friend and A way to Lose Him/Her

1. Be Kind. Always treat people with kindness and humility.

2. Be Accommodating/Hospitable.

3. Always pretend as if you like to listen to his/her not-so-interesting stories

4. Be respectful. Remember that respect begets respect

5. Laugh with him/her. After all laughter is the best medicine (any connection?)

6. Try to be with him/her when he/she needs someone to talk to. ALways be at his/her side.

7. Be sensitive but never should you be over sensitive, Too much of everything is not good.

8. Praise him/her. If he/she needs to be praised for a job well done then he/she deserves it.

9. Have some time to talk about your lives - family, friends, etc. In short, try to know him/her 

10. Trust him/her. This may be difficult but if he/she is worth to be trusted then why not give him/her a chance!


And the way to lose him/her?

Just be honest and upfront and you will surely lose him/her. Believe me I have experienced it. It only shows that they are just friends, not real/true friends because if they are they would understand and appreciate your honesty.


For those people who have betrayed me I still thank you for being a part of my life. Let me borrow some phrases from Simple Plan's Thank You... "Thank you for showing me that

that best friends cannot be trusted!"


God Bless friends...