is both group appering good or bad?
I'll appear both group in june'13.
how to prepare both group In ICWAI - Inter?
give idea - how much time to spend - subject wise?
which subject take more time ?
Uma (Student) (158 Points)
11 December 2012is both group appering good or bad?
I'll appear both group in june'13.
how to prepare both group In ICWAI - Inter?
give idea - how much time to spend - subject wise?
which subject take more time ?
(369 Points)
Replied 11 December 2012
Obviously appearing for both grps is gives a chnace for a set off..and even the employers prefer students who have cleard both again just appearing isnt enough....u will have to prepare well for dat..and it requires a lot of effort.....know ur to ur parents and seniors..and then decide....IF GETTING DEGREE IS YOUR SOLE AIM THEN I ALWYAS SUGGEST GO FOR ONE GROUP AT A TIME..BUT GETTING A GOOD JOB IS YOUR AIM..Then Go for BOTH GROUPS..but again dnt get stressed....ultimatley do what makes u comfortable..Instead of faling both grps at once its better to clear one grp at a plz knw ur potential and decide./
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